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 h English (en)While on this expedition, Roerich discovered legends and manuscripts recounting the journey [[Jesus]] took to the East during his so-called [[Lost years of Jesus|lost years between the ages of twelve and thirty]]. The same or similar manuscripts were also found by Russian journalist Nicolas Notovitch and Swami Abhedananda at Himis monastery in Ladakh.<ref>Roerich, Notovotch and Abhedananda all published their translations of these texts describing Jesus’ journey to the East. All three accounts are included in {{LYJ}}.</ref>
 h Spanish (es)Durante la expedición, Roerich descubrió leyendas y manuscritos que narraban el viaje que [[Special:MyLanguage/Jesus|Jesús]] hizo a Oriente durante sus denominados [[Special:MyLanguage/Lost years of Jesus|años perdidos, entre la edad de doce y treinta años]]. El periodista ruso Nicolás Notovitch y Swami Abhedananda también hallaron los mismos manuscritos u otros parecidos en el monasterio de Himis, en Ladakh.<ref>Roerich, Notovitch y Abhedananda publicaron independientemente sus traducciones de estos textos que describen el viaje de Jesús a Oriente. Los tres relatos están incluidos en {{LYJ-es}}.</ref>
 h Portuguese (pt)Ao longo da expedição, Roerich descobriu lendas e manuscritos que contavam a viagem de [[Special:MyLanguage/Jesus|Jesus]] ao Oriente, durante os chamados [[Special:MyLanguage/Lost years of Jesus|anos ocultos, compreendidos entre os doze e os trinta anos]]. Os mesmos manuscritos, ou manuscritos semelhantes, foram encontrados pelo jornalista russo Nicolas Notovitch e pelo Swami Abhedananda, no mosteiro Himis, em Ladakh (Índia).<ref>Roerich, Notovitch e Abhedananda publicaram as suas traduções destes textos descrevendo a viagem de Jesus para o Oriente. Todos estes relatos estão incluídos no livro de Elizabeth Clare Prophet Os Anos Ocultos de Jesus, Editora Nova Era.</ref>
 h Russian (ru)Совершая экспедицию, Рерих обнаружил легенды и манускрипты, повествующие о путешествии Иисуса на Восток во время так называемых [[Special:MyLanguage/Lost years of Jesus|«утерянных лет»]] — в возрасте от двадцати до тридцати. Такие же рукописи были найдены и русским журналистом Николаем Нотовичем и Свами Абхеданандой в монастыре Химис в Ладаке.<ref>Roerich, Notovotch and Abhedananda all published their translations of these texts describing Jesus’ journey to the East. All three accounts are included in {{LYJ}}.</ref>