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Found 5 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h English (en)<blockquote>Then, again, you have come with me to the inner retreat of the Brotherhood in Persia where [[Cha Ara]] has called you to an understanding of the mysteries of the sacred fire and the path of [[Zarathustra]].</blockquote>
 h Spanish (es)<blockquote>Pero habéis ido conmigo al retiro interno de la Hermandad en Persia, donde [[Special:MyLanguage/Cha Ara|Cha Ara]] os ha llamado al conocimiento de los misterios del fuego sagrado y el sendero de [[Special:MyLanguage/Zarathustra|Zaratustra]].</blockquote>
 h Icelandic (is)<blockquote>Þá eruð þið aftur komin með mér til innri athvarfs Bræðralagsins í Persíu þar sem [[Special:MyLanguage/Cha Ara|Sja Ara]] hefur kallað ykkur til skilnings á leyndardómum hins helga elds og vegi [[Special:MyLanguage/Zarathustra|Saraþústra]].</blockquote>
 h Portuguese (pt)<blockquote>Logo, novamente, viestes comigo ao retiro interno da Fraternidade na Pérsia, onde [[Special:MyLanguage/Cha Ara|Cha Ara]] vos convocou para uma compreensão dos mistérios do fogo sagrado e da senda de [[Special:MyLanguage/Zarathustra|Zaratustra]].</blockquote>
 h Russian (ru)<blockquote>Вы снова пришли вместе со мной во внутреннюю обитель Братства в Персии, в которой [[Special:MyLanguage/Cha Ara|Ча Ара]] призвал вас к постижению мистерий священного огня и стези [[Special:MyLanguage/Zarathustra|Заратустры]].</blockquote>