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Found 4 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h English (en)My book is a companion to the ascended masters’ path that has been laid before you by [[Saint Germain]] and [[El Morya]] and [[Mother Mary]] and [[Kuthumi]] and [[Djwal Kul]] and [[Jesus]] and [[Gautama]]. It is an assist to you, and I am grateful to have the messenger expound upon it and elaborate upon those advances that have come forth in the century since I dictated it.
 h Spanish (es)Mi libro es un acompañante del sendero de los maestros ascendidos que ha sido expuesto ante vosotros por [[Special:MyLanguage/Saint Geramain|Saint Germain]], [[Special:MyLanguage/El Morya|El Morya]], la [[Special:MyLanguage/Mother Mary|Virgen María]], [[Special:MyLanguage/Kuthumi|Kuthumi]], [[Special:MyLanguage/Djwal Kul|Djwal Kul]], [[Special:MyLanguage/Jesus|Jesús]] y [[Special:MyLanguage/Gautama|Gautama]]. Es una ayuda para vosotros, y agradezco que la mensajera lo explique y entre en detalles sobre aquellos avances que se han producido en el siglo desde que lo dicté.
 h Portuguese (pt)O meu livro é um companheiro da senda dos mestres ascensos, apresentada por [[Special:MyLanguage/Saint Germain|Saint Germain]], [[Special:MyLanguage/El Morya|El Morya]], [[Special:MyLanguage/Mother Mary|Mãe Maria]], [[Special:MyLanguage/Kuthumi|Kuthumi]], [[Special:MyLanguage/Djwal Kul|Djwal Kul]], [[Special:MyLanguage/Jesus|Jesus]] e [[Special:MyLanguage/Gautama|Gautama]]. Ele pode ajudar-vos e estou grato pelo fato de a Mensageira dar explicações sobre ele e detalhes sobre os avanços que ocorreram neste século desde que eu o ditei.
 h Russian (ru)Моя книга — ваш попутчик на стезе Вознесенных Владык, раскрытой перед вами [[Special:MyLanguage/Saint Germain|Сен-Жерменом]] и [[Special:MyLanguage/El Morya|Эль Морией]], [[Special:MyLanguage/Mother Mary|Матерью Марией]], [[Special:MyLanguage/Kuthumi|Кутхуми]] и [[Special:MyLanguage/Djwal Kul|Джвал Кулом]], [[Special:MyLanguage/Jesus|Иисусом]] и [[Special:MyLanguage/Gautama|Гаутамой]]. Это помощь вам, и я благодарен Посланнику, которая развила и дополнила ее в свете тех успехов, какие были достигнуты за столетие, прошедшее с момента написания книги.