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Found 4 translations.
Name | Current message text |
h English (en) | The retreat of [[Purity and Astrea]] is located in the etheric plane over the Gulf of Archangel, the southeast arm of the White Sea, Russia. The retreat focuses the energies of the [[base-of-the-spine chakra]] of the planet. The etheric focus interpenetrates with the physical on the nearby plains. |
h Spanish (es) | El retiro de [[Special:MyLanguage/Purity and Astrea|Pureza y Astrea]] se encuentra en el plano etérico, sobre el golfo del Arcángel, el brazo suroriental del mar Blanco, en Rusia. El retiro concentra las energías del [[Special:MyLanguage/Base-of-the-spine chakra|chakra de la base]] del planeta. El foco etérico se cruza con el plano físico en las planicies cercanas. |
h Icelandic (is) | Athvarf [[Special:MyLanguage/Purity and Astrea|Hreinlyndis og Astreu]] er staðsett á ljósvakasviðinu uppi yfir Erkienglaflóa, suðausturarm Hvítahafsins, Rússlandi. Athvarfið er móttöku- og sendistöð (beinir) fyrir orku [[Special:MyLanguage/base-of-the-spine chakra|mænurótarstöðvar]] plánetunnar. Ljósvakabeinirinn gegnsýrir hið efnislega svið á öðrum nærliggjandi sviðum. |
h Russian (ru) | Обитель [[Special:MyLanguage/Purity and Astrea|Чистоты и Астреи]] расположена на эфирном плане над Двинской Губой (южная часть Белого моря, Россия). Обитель фокусирует энергии [[Special:MyLanguage/base-of-the-spine chakra|чакры основания позвоночника]] планеты. Эфирный фокус проникает в физический план в области близлежащих равнин. |