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Found 5 translations.
Name | Current message text |
h English (en) | The [[Queen of Light]] maintains an etheric retreat over the island of Sicily, near the town of Messina. [[Amerissis]], the Goddess of Light, uses this retreat, along with the [[Goddess of Purity]]’s focus in Madagascar and her own focus in the [[Shrine of Glory]] in the Andes in South America as anchoring points for a threefold distribution of the light throughout the world. |
h Spanish (es) | La [[Special:MyLanguage/Queen of Light|Reina de la Luz]] tiene un [[Special:MyLanguage/Etheric retreat|retiro etérico]] sobre la isla de Sicilia, cerca de la ciudad de Mesina. [[Special:MyLanguage/Amerissis|Amerisis]], la Diosa de la Luz, utiliza este retiro, junto con el foco de la [[Special:MyLanguage/Goddess of Purity|Diosa de la Pureza]] en Madagascar y su propio foco en el [[Special:MyLanguage/Shrine of Glory|Santuario de la Gloria]] en los Andes, en Suramérica, como puntos de anclaje de una distribución triple de la luz por el mundo. |
h Icelandic (is) | [[Special:MyLanguage/Queen of Light|Ljósdrottningin]] heldur ljósvakaathvarf uppi yfir eyjunni Sikiley nálægt bænum Messína. [[Special:MyLanguage/Amerissis|Ameríssis]], gyðja ljóssins, notar þetta athvarf ásamt viðtöku- og sendistöð (beini) [[Special:MyLanguage/Goddess of Purity|Gyðju hreinleikans]] á Madagaskar og hennar eigin beini í [[Special:MyLanguage/Shrine of Glory|Helgidómi dýrðarinnar]] í Andesfjöllum í Suður-Ameríku sem kjölfestu fyrir þrígreinda dreifingu ljóssins um allan heim. |
h Portuguese (pt) | A [[Special:MyLanguage/Queen of Light|Rainha da Luz]] mantém um retiro etérico sobre a ilha da Sicília, perto da cidade de Messina. [[Special:MyLanguage/Amerissis|Amerissis]], a Deusa da Luz, usa este retiro, junto com o foco da [[Special:MyLanguage/Goddess of Purity|Deusa da Pureza]] em Madagascar e seu foco no [[Special:MyLanguage/Shrine of Glory|Santuário da Glória]] nos Andes na América do Sul como pontos de ancoragem para uma distribuição trina da luz em todo o mundo. |
h Russian (ru) | [[Special:MyLanguage/Queen of Light|Царица Света]] имеет эфирную обитель над островом Сицилия, возле города Мессина. [[Special:MyLanguage/Amerissis|Америссис]] — Богиня Света, использует эту обитель наряду с фокусом [[Special:MyLanguage/Goddess of Purity|Богини Чистоты]] на Мадагаскаре и своим собственным фокусом — [[Special:MyLanguage/Shrine of Glory|Храмом Славы]] в Андах (Южная Америка) — как точки для закрепления и тройного распространения света по всему миру. |