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Found 5 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h English (en)The [[Goddess of Light]], the Queen of Light and the [[Goddess of Purity]] form a trinity of three [[cosmic being]]s who have majored on the one-pointed goal of focusing the intense light of the Christ consciousness of God.
 h Spanish (es)La [[Special:MyLanguage/Goddess of Light|Diosa de la Luz]], la Reina de la Luz y la [[Special:MyLanguage/Goddess of Purity|Diosa de la Pureza]] forman una trinidad de tres [[Special:MyLanguage/Cosmic being|seres cósmicos]] que se han especializado con la máxima determinación en la meta de concentrar la intensa luz de la conciencia Crística de Dios.
 h Icelandic (is)[[Special:MyLanguage/Goddess of Light|Ljósgyðjan]], Ljósdrottningin og [[Special:MyLanguage/Goddess of Purity|Hreinleikagyðjan]] mynda þrenningu þriggja [[Special:MyLanguage/cosmic being|kosmískra vera]] sem hafa lagt höfuðáherslu á afmarkað markmið, að hafa hið skarpa ljós Krists-vitundar Guðs í brennidepli.
 h Portuguese (pt)A [[Special:MyLanguage/Goddess of Light|Deusa da Luz]], a Rainha da Luz e a [[Special:MyLanguage/Goddess of Purity|Deusa da Pureza]] formam uma trindade de [[Special:MyLanguage/cosmic being|seres cósmicos]] especializados em focalizar a luz intensa da consciência Crística de Deus.
 h Russian (ru)[[Special:MyLanguage/Goddess of Light|Богиня Света]], Царица Света и [[Special:MyLanguage/Goddess of Purity|Богиня Чистоты]] образуют троицу [[Special:MyLanguage/cosmic being|Космических Существ]], избравших своей главной целью фокусирование интенсивного света Христо-сознания Бога.