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Found 3 translations.

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 h English (en)<blockquote>Just as the pure crystal takes color from the object which is nearest to it, so the mind, when it is cleared of thought-waves, achieves sameness or identity with the object of its concentration.... This achievement of sameness or identity with the object of concentration is known as samadhi.<ref>Patanjali, Yoga Sutra 1:41, in Prabhavananda and Isherwood, ''How to Know God'', p. 79.</ref></blockquote>
 h Spanish (es)<blockquote>Tal como el cristal puro adquiere el color del objeto que tiene más cerca, la mente, cuando está limpia de oleadas de pensamiento, alcanza la semejanza o identidad con el objeto de su concentración… Ese logro de semejanza o identidad con el objeto de la concentración se conoce como samadhi.<ref>Patanjali, Yoga Sutra 1:41, en Prabhavananda y Isherwood, ''Cómo conocer a Dios'', pág. 79.</ref></blockquote>
 h Icelandic (is)<blockquote>Rétt eins og hinn hreini kristall tekur lit frá hlutnum sem er næstur honum, þannig öðlast hugurinn einsleitni eða samsömun við hlutinn sem hann einbeitir sér að þegar hann er hreinsaður af hugsanabylgjum. ... Þessi samsömun eða samkenning við viðfangið sem maður einbeitir sér að er þekkt sem samadhi.<ref>Patanjali, Yoga Sutra 1:41, í Prabhavananda and Isherwood, ''How to Know God'', bls. 79.</ref></blockquote>