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Found 3 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h English (en)For the student of the ascended masters, raja yoga, as well as all other forms of yoga, must include the path of the [[ruby ray]] under the ruby ray masters.
 h Spanish (es)Para el estudiante de los maestros ascendidos, el raja yoga, así como todas las demás formas de yoga, debe incluir el camino del [[Special:MyLanguage/ruby ray|ruby ray]] bajo los ruby ray masters.
 h Icelandic (is)Fyrir nemanda hinna uppstignu meistara verður raja jóga, sem og öll önnur jógakerfi, að fela í sér leið [[Special:MyLanguage/ruby ray|rúbíngeislans]] undir rúbíngeislameisturunum.