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Found 5 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h English (en)If readings are done by a [[psychic]] or through regression by [[hypnosis]], they may be a probe of or an accessing of the [[astral body]] and astral belt of the earth, hence the [[human consciousness]] in all its personal and planetary astrological aspects.
 h Spanish (es)Si las lecturas las hace un [[Special:MyLanguage/Psychic|vidente]] o se realizan por medio de una regresión por hipnosis, puede tratarse de una exploración o del acceso al [[Special:MyLanguage/Astral body|cuerpo astral]] y al cinturón astral de la Tierra, y por tanto de la [[Special:MyLanguage/Human consciousness|conciencia humana]] con todos sus aspectos astrológicos personales y planetarios.
 h Icelandic (is)Ef [[Special:MyLanguage/psychic|dulskynjunarmaður]] kemur með dulrænan lestur eða það er gert með bakrásarferli í [[Special:MyLanguage/hypnosis|dáleiðslu]] getur slík leit falið í sér könnun á [[Special:MyLanguage/astral body|geðlíkamanum]] og geðsviðsbelti (astral belt) jarðar, sem sagt [[Special:MyLanguage/human consciousness|vitund mannsins]] með öllum sínum einstaklings og hnattrænu stjörnukortum út frá gangi himintunglanna.
 h Portuguese (pt)Se as leituras são realizadas por um [[Special:MyLanguage/psychic|psíquico]] ou através da regressão pela [[Special:MyLanguage/hypnosis|hipnose]], elas podem constituir um meio de acesso ao [[Special:MyLanguage/astral body|corpo astral]] e ao cinturão astral da terra, e também à [[Special:MyLanguage/human consciousness|consciência humana]] em todos os seus aspectos astrológicos pessoais e planetários.
 h Russian (ru)Если провидения делаются [[Special:MyLanguage/psychic|экстрасенсом]] или через [[Special:MyLanguage/hypnosis|гипнотическую регрессию]], то они могут быть лишь зондированием или исследованием [[Special:MyLanguage/astral body|астрального тела]] и астрального пояса Земли, и, следовательно, [[Special:MyLanguage/human consciousness|человеческого сознания]] во всех его личных и планетных астрологических аспектах.