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Found 6 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h English (en)(1) The true image of God after which man (male and female) was made in the beginning.<ref>Gen. 1:26, 27.</ref> The Real Image is the likeness of God, the [[Christ]], or Light-emanation of God; it is the blueprint of the true identity of the [[sons and daughters of God]].
 h Spanish (es)(1) La verdadera imagen de Dios según la cual el hombre (varón y hembra) fue hecho en el principio.<ref>Génesis 1:26, 27.</ref> La Imagen Real es la semejanza de Dios, el [[Special:Mylanguage/Christ|Cristo]], o emanación de Luz de Dios; es el proyecto original de la verdadera identidad de los [[Special:Mylanguage/Sons and daughters of God|hijos e hijas de Dios]].
 h Finnish (fi)(1) Todellinen Jumalan kuva, jonka mukaan ihminen (mies ja nainen) alussa luotiin.<ref>1. Moos. 1:26, 27.</ref> Todellinen kuva on Jumalan kaltaisuus, [[Special:MyLanguage/Christ|Kristus]] eli Jumalan Valovuodatus; se on [[Special:MyLanguage/sons and daughters of God|Jumalan poikien ja tyttärien]] todellisen identiteetin rakennuskaavio.
 h Icelandic (is)(1) Hin sanna mynd Guðs sem maðurinn (karl og kona) var gerður eftir í upphafi.<ref>Mós. 1:26, 27.</ref> Hin sanna mynd er lík Guði, [[Special:MyLanguage/Christ|Kristi]], eða Ljós-útstreymi Guðs; það er forsnið hins sanna auðkennis [[Special:MyLanguage/sons and daughters of God|sona og dætra Guðs]].
 h Message documentation (qqq)SGOA
 h Russian (ru)(1) Истинный образ Божий, по которому человек был создан в начале.<ref>Быт. 1:26,27.</ref> Реальный Образ есть подобие Бога, [[Special:MyLanguage/Christ|Христос]], или Cвeто-эманация Бога; он является светокопией истинной самоидентичности [[Special:MyLanguage/sons and daughters of God|сынов и дочерей Бога]].