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Found 4 translations.

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 h English (en)<blockquote>It is love that does personalize the light that does quicken the heart and open it. Some have neat petals in a spiral unfolding about the heart. But others, even among you, yet have not unfolded the rose of light of the heart, choosing at times to retain the strident, the unmerciful expression, the hardness of heart. Thus, the petals are not symmetrical and the [[Golden pink glow-ray|golden-pink glow-ray]] spiral that is a part of this pink rose is not as it should be for the coming of the Queen of Light.<ref>Rose of Light, “The Call to the Practice of Love.”</ref></blockquote>
 h Spanish (es)<blockquote>El amor es lo que personaliza la luz que vivifica el corazón y lo abre. Algunos tienen pétalos ordenados en espiral, que se despliega alrededor del corazón. Pero otros, incluso entre vosotros, aún no han desplegado la rosa de la luz del corazón, eligiendo a veces conservar la expresión estridente e inmisericorde, la dureza de corazón. Así, los pétalos no son simétricos y la espiral de [[Special:MyLanguage/Golden pink glow-ray|rayo de brillo rosa y dorado]], que forma parte de esta rosa rosada, no es como debería para la venida de la [[Special:MyLanguage/Queen of Light|Reina de la Luz]]<ref>Rosa de la Luz, “The Call to the Practice of Love (La llamada a la práctica del amor)”.</ref>.</blockquote>
 h Portuguese (pt)<blockquote>É o amor que personaliza a luz, acelera o coração e o abre. Alguns têm pétalas bem organizadas em uma espiral que se abre no coração. Mas outros, mesmo no vosso meio, ainda não abriram a rosa de luz do coração, preferindo, às vezes, manter a expressão  dissonante e cruel, a dureza de coração. Neste caso, as pétalas não são simétricas e a espiral do [[Special:MyLanguage/Golden pink glow-ray|raio incandescente rosa-dourado]], que faz parte dessa rosa cor-de-rosa, não apresenta as condições adequadas para a vinda da Rainha da Luz.<ref>Rosa de Luz, The Call to the Practice of Love.</ref></blockquote>
 h Russian (ru)<blockquote>Именно любовь воплощает свет, который ускоряет сердце и открывает его. У некоторых из вас лепестки сердца аккуратно уложены в раскрывающуюся спираль. Но есть те, кто еще не раскрыл розу света своего сердца; вы продолжаете иногда позволять себе резкие, немилосердные проявления, черствость сердца. Поэтому лепестки не симметричны и спираль [[Golden pink glow-ray|злато-розового сияющего луча]], являющаяся частью розовой розы еще не обрела нужную форму, готовую к приходу Царицы Света.<ref>Rose of Light, “The Call to the Practice of Love.”</ref></blockquote>