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Found 5 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h English (en)Accompanied by the ascended master Saint Germain, [[Guy W. Ballard]] (now the ascended master [[Godfre]]) visited the Royal Teton Retreat earlier in the twentieth century. He recorded his experiences there and in the [[Cave of Symbols]] in his books ''Unveiled Mysteries'' and in ''The Magic Presence''.
 h Spanish (es)Acompañado por el maestro ascendido Saint Germain, [[Special:MyLanguage/Guy W. Ballard|Guy W. Ballard]] (ahora el maestro ascendido [[Special:MyLanguage/Godfre|Godfre]]) visitó el Retiro Royal Teton en un tiempo anterior del siglo xx, dejando constancia de sus experiencias tanto en este retiro como en la [[Special:MyLanguage/Cave of Symbols|Cueva de los Símbolos]] en sus libros ''Unveiled Mysteries (Misterios desvelados)'' y ''The Magic Presence (La Mágica Presencia)''.
 h Icelandic (is)Í fylgd með uppstigna meistaranum Saint Germain heimsótti [[Special:MyLanguage/Guy W. Ballard|Guy W. Ballard]] (sem nú er uppstigni meistarinn [[Special:MyLanguage/Godfre|Godfré]]) Royal Teton-athvarfið á öldinni sem leið. Hann skráði reynslu sína í Táknahellinum og birti þær frásagnir í bókunum ''Afhjúpun launhelganna'' og ''Töfra-nærveran''.
 h Portuguese (pt)Acompanhado pelo mestre ascenso Saint Germain, [[Guy W. Ballard]] (agora o mestre ascenso [[Godfre]]) visitou o Retiro Royal Teton no início do século XX. Ele registrou as experiências que lá teve, e as da [[Caverna dos Símbolos]] em seus livros “Mistérios Desvelados” e “A Presença Mágica”.
 h Russian (ru)В начале двадцатого века [[Special:MyLanguage/Guy W. Ballard|Гай В. Баллард]] (ныне Вознесенный Владыка [[Special:MyLanguage/Godfre|Годфри]]) посещал обитель Ройял Тетон в сопровождении Вознесенного Владыки Сен-Жермена. Он описал путешествия в эту обитель и в [[Special:MyLanguage/Cave of Symbols|Пещеру Символов]] в книгах «Раскрытые Таинства» и «Магическое Присутствие».