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 h English (en)In the earliest Hindu texts, the Vedas, Sarasvati is a river goddess. The Vedas say that Sarasvati was the greatest river in India. For years the Sarasvati was believed to have been a myth, but an archaeological survey in 1985 found an ancient riverbed that matched the description of the Sarasvati. It was a great river, four to six miles wide for much of its length. It flowed westward from the Himalayas into the sea. Frawley believes that the Sarasvati was the main site of habitation at the time the Vedas were composed thousands of years ago.<ref>David Frawley, ''Gods, Sages and Kings: Vedic Secrets of Ancient Civilization'' (Salt Lake City, Utah:  Passage Press, 1991), pp. 72–76, 354–57 nn. d–g.</ref>
 h Spanish (es)En los textos hindúes más antiguos, los Vedas, Sarasvati es una diosa fluvial. Los Vedas dicen que Sarasvati era el mayor río de la India. Durante años se creyó que el río Sarasvati era un mito, pero una investigación arqueológica de 1985 halló un antiguo lecho que encajaba con la descripción del Sarasvati. Era un gran río, entre cuatro y seis millas de ancho durante gran parte de su curso. Fluía hacia el oeste, desde los Himalayas hacia el mar<ref>Rigveda 2.41.16, 1.3.12, citado en ''David Frawley, Gods, Sages and Kings: Vedic Secrets of Ancient Civilization (Dioses, sabios y reyes: secretos védicos de la civilización antigua)'' (Salt Lake City, Utah: Passage Press, 1991), págs. 72–76, 354–57 nn. d–g.</ref>.
 h Portuguese (pt)Nos Vedas, os textos hindus primitivos, Sarasvati é a deusa de um rio. Os Vedas dizem que Sarasvati foi o maior rio da Índia. Durante anos, acreditou-se que Sarasvati fosse um mito, mas, em 1985, uma pesquisa arqueológica descobriu um antigo leito de rio que coincidia com a descrição de Sarasvati: um rio largo, que tinha entre seis e nove quilômetros na maior parte da sua extensão, e corria do oeste dos Himalaias para o mar. Frawley acredita que o Sarasvati eram o principal local de habitação na época em que os Vedas foram compostos há milhares de anos.<ref> David Frawley, ''Gods, Sages and Kings: Vedic Secrets of Ancient Civilization'' (Salt Lake City, Utah: Passage Press, 1991), pp. 72-76, 354-57 nn. d-g.</ref>
 h Russian (ru)В древнейших индуистских текстах — «Ведах» Сарасвати предстает богиней реки. В «Ведах» сказано, что Сарасвати являлась крупнейшей рекой в Индии, и, хотя в течение многих лет ученые утверждали, что это — не более чем миф, археологические раскопки, проводившиеся в 1985 году, обнаружили древнее русло реки, которое соответствует описанию Сарасвати. Эта великая река, шириной от шести до десяти метров в большей части своей длины, брала начало в Гималайских горах, несла свои воды на запад и там 
впадала в море. Frawley believes that the Sarasvati was the main site of habitation at the time the Vedas were composed thousands of years ago.<ref>David Frawley, ''Gods, Sages and Kings: Vedic Secrets of Ancient Civilization'' (Salt Lake City, Utah:  Passage Press, 1991), pp. 72–76, 354–57 nn. d–g.</ref>