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Found 3 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h English (en)The seed of Satan has proliferated, blessed hearts, as you would not even conceive yourself in the most expansive imagination of your hearts. Therefore, even from that point—bound behind bars, lo, these many years—that Fallen One has had the focal point of a race of Satans who raised themselves up against the [[I AM Race]] so long, so very, very long ago.
 h Spanish (es)La simiente de Satanás ha proliferado, benditos corazones, tanto que ni siquiera podríais concebirlo en la más grande imaginación de vuestro corazón. Por lo tanto, incluso atado detrás de las rejas,  he aquí, todos estos años, el Caído ha tenido el punto focal de una raza de Satanes que se alzaron contra la [[Special:MyLanguage/I AM Race|Raza YO SOY]] hace mucho, mucho, mucho tiempo.
 h Icelandic (is)Afkomendum Satans hefur fjölgað meira en þið í hjörtum ykkar getið nokkurn tíma ímyndað ykkur, hjartkæru blessuðu vinir. Þess vegna, jafnvel frá þeim tímapunkti – bundinn á bak við lás og slá, sjá, þessi mörgu ár – hefur þessi fallni haft kynstofn satana í stafni sem reistu sig upp gegn [[Special:MyLanguage/I AM Race|ÉG ER-kynstofnininum]] svo lengi, fyrir ævalöngu síðan.