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Found 5 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h English (en)Both Lucifer and Satan and their various lieutenants have been referred to in scripture as the adversary, the accuser of the brethren, the tempter, the [[Antichrist]], the personification of the [[carnal mind]] of mankind, i.e., the planetary [[dweller-on-the-threshold]], [[Serpent]], the beast, the dragon, etc.
 h Spanish (es)En la Biblia se hace referencia a Lucifer, a Satanás y a sus diversos lugartenientes como el adversario, el acusador de los hermanos, el tentador, el [[Special:MyLanguage/Antichrist|Anticristo]] la personificación de la [[Special:MyLanguage/Carnal mind|mente carnal]] de la humanidad, esto es, el [[Special:MyLanguage/Dweller-on-the-threshold|morador del umbral]] planetario, [[Special:MyLanguage/Serpent|Serpiente]], la bestia, el dragón, etc.
 h French (fr)Lucifer et Satan ainsi que leurs divers lieutenants ont été mentionnés dans l’Écriture sainte comme l’adversaire, l’accusateur de nos frères, le tentateur, l’[[Special:MyLanguage/Antichrist|Antéchrist]], la personnification de l’[[Special:MyLanguage/dweller-on-the-threshold|esprit charnel]] de l’humanité, c’est-à-dire le [[Special:MyLanguage/dweller-on-the-threshold|gardien du seuil]] planétaire, le [[Special:MyLanguage/Serpent|serpent]], la bête, le dragon, etc.
 h Icelandic (is)Bæði Lúsífer og Satan og hinir ýmsu liðsforingjar þeirra hafa í ritningunni verið nefndir óvinurinn, ákærandi bræðranna, freistarinn, [[Special:MyLanguage/Antichrist|andkristur]], persónugervingur [[Special:MyLanguage/carnal mind|holdshyggju]] mannkynsins, þ.e.a.s. hinn hnattræni [[Special:MyLanguage/dweller-on-the-threshold|jaðarbúi]], [[Special:MyLanguage/Serpent|höggormurinn]], dýrið, drekinn o.s.frv.
 h Russian (ru)И Люцифера, и Сатану, и их различных заместителей в Священном Писании называют: враг, «клеветник братии», искуситель, [[Special:MyLanguage/Antichrist|Антихрист]], олицетворение [[Special:MyLanguage/carnal mind|плотского разума]] человечества, т.е. планетарного [[Special:MyLanguage/dweller-on-the-threshold|стража порога]], [[Special:MyLanguage/Serpent|Змий]], зверь, дракон и т.д.