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Found 3 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h English (en)The '''Satans''' (pronounced Seh-<u>tanz</u>) are the race of the seed of [[Satan]] who long ago rose up against the [[I AM Race]] and have not abated their warfare against the Spirit.
 h Spanish (es)Los '''Satanás''' (pronunciado Seh-<u>tanz</u>) son la raza de la semilla de [[Special:MyLanguage/Satan|Satanás]] que hace mucho tiempo se levantó contra la [[Special:MyLanguage/I AM Race|Raza YO SOY]] y no han disminuyó su guerra contra el Espíritu.
 h Icelandic (is)'''Satanar''' eru afsprengi [[Special:MyLanguage/Satan|Satans]] sem fyrir löngu risu upp gegn [[Special:MyLanguage/I AM Race|ÉG ER-kynstofninum]] og hafa ekki linnt látum í stríði þeirra gegn andanum.