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Found 5 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h English (en)Known as the Great Disciplinarian, Serapis came from [[Venus (the planet)|Venus]] with the [[Ancient of Days]] to rekindle the sacred fire in the hearts of a wayward mankind. His great enthusiasm to reclaim the sons of man as kings and priests unto God swelled and mounted into a flame of iron will, determination and discipline.
 h Spanish (es)Conocido como el Gran Disciplinario, Serapis llegó desde [[Special:MyLanguage/Venus (the planet)|Venus]] con el [[Special:MyLanguage/Ancient of Days|Anciano de Días]] para volver a encender el fuego sagrado en el corazón de una humanidad rebelde. Su gran entusiasmo por recuperar a los hijos del hombre como reyes y sacerdotes para Dios se hinchó y se elevó comouna llama de voluntad, determinación y disciplina férrea.
 h Portuguese (pt)Conhecido como o Grande Disciplinador, Serápis veio de [[Special:MyLanguage/Venus (the planet)|Vênus]] com o [[Special:MyLanguage/Ancient of Days|Ancião de Dias]] para reacender o fogo sagrado no coração de uma humanidade instável. O seu grande entusiasmo para reivindicar os filhos do homem, como reis e sacerdotes de Deus aumentou e elevou-se como uma chama de vontade férrea, determinação e disciplina.
 h Message documentation (qqq)M&TR

Loks like the Spanish translation is incorrect. The adjective "iron" in the last sentence should go only with the word will. "Iron will" is a well-known phrase. As translated, it modifies all three words.
 h Russian (ru)Серапис, известный как сторонник строгой дисциплины, пришел с [[Special:MyLanguage/Venus (the planet)|Венеры]] вместе с [[Special:MyLanguage/Ancient of Days|Ветхим Днями]], дабы вновь зажечь священный огонь в сердцах заблудшего человечества. Его неиссякаемый энтузиазм в деле возвышения сынов человеческих до положения царей и жрецов Божьих превратился в пламя железной воли, решимости и дисциплины.