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Found 6 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h English (en)Broadly, any departure from [[cosmic law]] that is the result of the exercise of [[free will]].
 h Spanish (es)En términos generales, cualquier desviación con respecto a la [[Special:MyLanguage/cosmic law|ley cósmica]] resultante del ejercicio del [[Special:MyLanguage/free will|libre albedrío]].
 h French (fr)Au sens large, toute dérogation à la [[Special:MyLanguage/cosmic law|loi cosmique ]] qui résulte de l’exercice du [[Special:MyLanguage/free will|libre arbitre]].
 h Icelandic (is)Í stórum dráttum, hvers kyns frávik frá [[Special:MyLanguage/cosmic law|kosmískum lögmálum]] sem er afleiðing af beitingu [[Special:MyLanguage/free will|frjáls vilja]].
 h Portuguese (pt)De modo geral, qualquer desobediência à [[Special:MyLanguage/cosmic law|lei cósmica]] que é o resultado do exercício do [[Special:MyLanguage/free will|livre-arbítrio]].
 h Russian (ru)В широком смысле слова, всякий отход от [[Special:MyLanguage/cosmic law|космического закона]], являющийся результатом злоупотребления [[Special:MyLanguage/free will|свободной волей]].