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Found 2 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h English (en)Finally, when transmutation is complete the violet flame restores the balance of yang and yin forces, the polarity of Alpha (the masculine, or plus, factor of the Deity) and Omega (the feminine, or minus, factor of the Deity) throughout one’s entire consciousness, being, and world. This achievement is the prelude to the [[ascension]] and the goal toward which [[Saint Germain]]’s [[Keepers of the Flame]] are striving daily.
 h Icelandic (is)Að lokum, þegar umbreytingunni er lokið endurheimtir fjólublái loginn jafnvægi yang og yin kraftanna, umskautun Alfa (karlkyns, eða plús, þáttar guðdómsins) og Ómega (kvenkyns, eða mínus, þáttar guðdómsins) í allri vitund, verund og veruleika mannsins. Þetta þrekvirki er undanfari [[Special:MyLanguage/ascension|uppstigningarinnar]] og markmiðið sem [[Special:MyLanguage/Keepers of the Flame|Logaverðir]] [[Special:MyLanguage/Saint Germain|Saint Germains]] stefna að daglega.