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Found 3 translations.
Name | Current message text |
h English (en) | A soul mate is exactly what it says: It is a mate of the soul. The soul is something quite apart from the white-fire body, the white-fire core of your [[I AM Presence]]. So the term ''soul mate'' relates to a joint service and a mission on the Path that you might perform with someone other than your [[twin flame]]. |
h Spanish (es) | Un alma compañera es exactamente eso, una compañera del alma. El alma es algo distinto al cuerpo de fuego blanco, el núcleo de fuego blanco de tu [[Special:MyLanguage/I AM Presence|Presencia YO SOY]]. Por eso el término «alma compañera» se refiere a un servicio y una misión en el Sendero que podrías realizar con alguien aparte de tu [[Special:MyLanguage/twin flame|llama gemela]]. |
h Icelandic (is) | Sálufélagi er samkvæmt orðanna hljóðan félagi sálarinnar. Sálin er eitthvað alveg aðskilin frá hvítum eldlíkamanum, hvítum eldkjarna [[Special:MyLanguage/I AM Presence|ÉG ER-Nærverunnar]]. Svo hugtakið „sálufélagi“ tengist sameiginlegri þjónustu og köllun á vegferðinni sem maðir gæti sinnt með einhverjum öðrum en [[Special:MyLanguage/twin flame|tvíburaloganum]]. |