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 h English (en)The Book of Genesis describes the deep spiritual communion necessary for the soul’s evolution as the deep sleep that the L<small>ORD</small> God caused to fall upon Adam. This was the natural means that [[Maitreya]] provided whereby the soul would separate from the lower vehicles and travel in its etheric sheath to the higher octaves of creative consciousness in the [[causal body]] of the Guru Maitreya or in the [[Etheric retreat|retreat]]s of the [[Great White Brotherhood]].
 h Spanish (es)En el Génesis se describe la profunda comunión espiritual necesaria para la evolución del alma, como el profundo sueño en el que el S<small>EÑOR</small> Dios hizo caer sobre Adán.<ref>Génesis 2:21.</ref> Esto era el medio natural que [[Special:MyLanguage/Maitreya|Maitreya]] proveyó para que el alma se separara de los vehículos inferiores y viajara en su funda etérica a las octavas superiores de conciencia, en el [[Special:MyLanguage/Causal body|Cuerpo Causal]] del Gurú Maitreya o en los [[Special:MyLanguage/etheric retreat|retiros]] de la [[Special:MyLanguage/Great White Brotherhood|Gran Hermandad Blanca]].
 h Icelandic (is)Í fyrstu Mósebók er lýst hinu djúpstæða andlega samfélagi sem nauðsynlegt er fyrir þroskun sálarinnar sem lýsir sér í djúpum svefni sem D<small>rottinn</small> Guð lét falla yfir Adam. Þetta var náttúrulega leiðin sem [[Special:MyLanguage/Maitreya|Maitreya]] stóð fyrir þar sem sálin myndi skilja sig frá lægri farartækjum sínm og ferðast í ljósvakahjúpi sínum til hærri áttundavídda skapandi vitundar í [[Special:MyLanguage/causal body|orsakalíkama]] Gúrú Maitreya eða til [[Special:MyLanguage/retreat|ljósvakaathvarfs]] hins [[Special:MyLanguage/Great White Brotherhood|Stóra hvíta bræðralags]].