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Found 5 translations.
Name | Current message text |
h English (en) | The Sun behind the sun is referred to as the “Sun of righteousness,”<ref>Mal. 4:2.</ref> which does heal the mind, illumine the soul and light all her house, and as “the glory of God,” the light of the [[City Foursquare]].<ref>Rev. 21:23.</ref> |
h Spanish (es) | El Sol detrás del sol se conoce como «el Sol de justicia»<ref>Malaquías 4:2.</ref>, que sana la mente, ilumina el alma y alumbra su casa, y como «la gloria de Dios», la Luz de la [[Special:MyLanguage/City Foursquare|Ciudad Cuadrangular]]<ref>Apocalipsis 21:23.</ref>. |
h Icelandic (is) | Sólin handan við sólina er kölluð „réttlætissólin,“<ref>Mal. 4:2.</ref> sem læknar hugann, lýsir upp sálina og lýsir allt hús hennar og sem „dýrð Guðs,“ er hún ljósið frá hinni [[Special:MyLanguage/City Foursquare|ferhyrndu borg]].<ref>Opb. 21:23.</ref> |
h Dutch (nl) | Naar de Zon achter de zon wordt verwezen als de “Zon van rechtschapenheid”<ref>Maleachi 4:2.</ref> welke de geest heelt, de ziel verlicht en haar gehele huis oplicht, en als “de glorie van God”, het Licht van de [[Special:MyLanguage/City Foursquare|Vierkante Stad]].<ref>Openbaring 21:23.</ref> |
h Russian (ru) | Солнце за солнцем упоминается как «Солнце праведности»,<ref>Мал. 4:2.</ref> исцеляющее ум, озаряющее душу и освещающее весь дом ее, и как «слава Божия», Свет [[Special:MyLanguage/City Foursquare|Города Четвероугольного]].<ref>Отк. 21:23.</ref> |