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Found 4 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h English (en)<blockquote>
Following my ascension, I was accorded the grant to spend a portion of my heavens on earth. But for another portion, the Father did assign me to study under the three masters [[El Morya]], [[Kuthumi|Koot Hoomi]] and [[Djwal Kul]]. These [[Three Wise Men|three wise men]], [[adept]]s of the East who did come and tend the birth of the Lord Christ, therefore did tend with me the full flowering and birth of that Christ in my being multiplied many times over by their presence after my [[ascension]].
 h Spanish (es)<blockquote>
Después de ascender, se me concedió el privilegio de pasar una parte de mis cielos en la tierra. Pero para otra parte el Padre me asignó que estudiara con los tres maestros [[Special:MyLanguage/El Morya|El Morya]], [[Special:MyLanguage/Kuthumi|Koot Hoomi]] y [[Special:MyLanguage/Djwal Kul|Djwal Kul]]. Estos [[Special:MyLanguage/Three Wise Men|tres sabios]], [[Special:MyLanguage/Adept|adeptos]] de Oriente que fueron a cuidar del nacimiento del Señor Cristo, por tanto cuidaron conmigo del pleno florecimiento y nacimiento de ese Cristo en mi ser, multiplicado muchas veces por su presencia después de mi [[Special:MyLanguage/Ascension|ascensión]].
 h Portuguese (pt)<blockquote>
Depois de fazer a minha [[Special:MyLanguage/ascension|ascensão]], foi-me concedido o privilégio de usar, na Terra, uma parte dos meus céus. Mas sobre a outra parte, o Pai incumbiu-me de estudar sob a orientação dos Mestres [[Special:MyLanguage/El Morya|El Morya]], [[Special:MyLanguage/Kuthumi|Koot Hoomi]] e [[Special:MyLanguage/Djwal Kul|Djwal Kul]]. Os [[Special:MyLanguage/Three Wise Men|três reis magos]], [[Special:MyLanguage/adept|adepto]]s do Oriente, que presenciaram e protegeram o nascimento do Senhor Cristo, também cuidaram do pleno florescimento e nascimento do Cristo no meu ser, multiplicado, muitas vezes, pela sua presença.
 h Russian (ru)<blockquote>
После вознесения мне была дарована милость посвятить часть моей небесной жизни работе на Земле. Но для другой части Отец поручил мне пройти обучение под руководством трех Владык: [[Special:MyLanguage/El Morya|Эль Мории]], [[Special:MyLanguage/Kuthumi|Кутхуми]] и [[Special:MyLanguage/Djwal Kul|Джвал Кула]]. [[Special:MyLanguage/Three Wise Men|Эти три волхва]], [[Special:MyLanguage/adept|адепты]] Востока, которые пришли засвидетельствовать рождение Господа Христа, теперь следили за рождением и полным проявлением этого Христа в моем существе, многократно ускоряя своим присутствием этот процесс.