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Found 2 translations.
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h English (en) | The '''Three Wise Men''' described in the present at the birth of [[Jesus]]<ref>Matt. 2:1–12.</ref> probably were not kings but dubbed that by later tradition to fit the prophecy in Psalm 72:11, “All kings will do him homage.” Rather, the “wise men from the East” were [[Magi]], the priest class of Persia who were the “keepers of the sacred things, the learned of the people, the philosophers and servants of God,” who also practiced the art of divination, soothsaying and astrology. During the Persian empire, they were advisers of kings, educators of princes, and were held in highest reverence. |
h Icelandic (is) | '''Vitringarnir þrír''' sem voru nærstaddir við fæðingu [[Special:MyLanguage/Jesus|Jesú]]<ref>Matt. 2:1–12.</ref> voru líklega ekki konungar heldur dubbaðir upp eftir seinni tíma hefð til að spádómurinn í Sálmi 72:11 skyldi rætast, „Allir konungar skulu lúta honum“. Öllu heldur voru „vitringarnir frá Austurlöndum“ [[Special:MyLanguage/Magi|töframenn]], prestastétt Persa sem voru „verðir helgra muna, fræðingar fólksins, heimspekingar og þjónar Guðs“ sem einnig stunduðu spádómslist, spásagnir og stjörnuspeki. Á tímum persneska heimsveldisins voru þeir ráðgjafar konunga, kennarar fursta og voru í hávegum hafðir. |