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Found 2 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h English (en)El Morya bore the flame of the Father, [[Brahma]]; Kuthumi, that of the Son, [[Vishnu]]; Djwal Kul that of the [[Holy Spirit]], [[Shiva]]. The Trinity manifest in the [[threefold flame]] of the heart of the Christ Child was the lodestone which magnetized them through their own hearts’ Light. They were representatives of the Three-in-One. Jesus was the Three-in-One incarnate.
 h Icelandic (is)El Morya bar loga föðurins, [[Special:MyLanguage/Brahma|Brahma]]; Kúthúmi, sonarins, [[Special:MyLanguage/Vishnu|Vishnú]]; Djwal Kúl [[Special:MyLanguage/Holy Spirit|heilags anda]], [[Special:MyLanguage/Shiva|Shíva]]. Þrenningin sem birtist í [[Special:MyLanguage/threefold flame|þrígreindum loga]] í hjarta Kristsbarnsins var segulsteinninn sem magnaði þau í gegnum ljós þeirra eigin hjarta. Þeir voru fulltrúar þriggja-í-einum. Jesús var þrír-í-einum holdgervingur.