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Found 2 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h English (en)The Watchers had once shared with the [[Seven holy Kumaras|holy Kumaras]] the heavenly offices of the [[Great Silent Watcher]]s and the [[World Teacher]]s as guardians of the soul purity and the evolution of the [[I AM Race]]. The Great Silent Watchers guard the purity of the [[Christ consciousness]] and Christ image out of which souls of Light are created.
 h Icelandic (is)Verðirnir höfðu einu sinni deilt með hinum [Special:MyLanguage/Seven holy Kumaras|[Sjö heilögu Kúmerum]] himneskum stöðum hinna [[Special:MyLanguage/Great Silent Watcher|Stóra þöglu varða]] og [[Special:MyLanguage/World Teacher|Heimskennaranna]] sem verndarar hreinleika sálarinnar og þróunar [[Special:MyLanguage/I AM Race|ÉG ER-kynþáttarins]]. Hinir miklu þöglu verðir standa vörð um hreinleika [[Special:MyLanguage/Christ consciousness|Krists-vitundarinnar]] og Krists-myndarinnar sem sálir ljóssins eru skapaðar úr.