Máttur, viska og kærleikur

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Other languages:

Þrenning hins þrífalda loga—Máttur sem táknar föðurinn, spekina soninn og kærleikann Heilagan anda. Jafnvæg birting þessara eiginleika Guðs í og sem logann í hjartanu er forsenda persónulegs Krists.

Attributes of the Hindu conception of the Trinity as (1) Brahma, the Creator, (2) Vishnu, the Preserver, and (3) Shiva, the Destroyer of evil/Deliverer of souls.

According to the Eastern tradition, the Divine Mother is the universal force, Shakti, who releases the light/action, energy/consciousness of this threefold flame of Spirit into the Matter cosmos through the precious hearts of her children.

See also

Threefold flame.


Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Saint Germain On Alchemy: Formulas for Self-Transformation.