Maha Chohan

O Maha Chohan é o representante do Espírito Santo. O ser que ocupa esse cargo na Hierarquia representa o Espírito Santo do Deus Pai-Mãe, de Alfa e Ômega, para as evoluções deste planeta e do reino elemental. O retiro do Maha Chohan, o Templo do Consolo, está localizado no plano etérico e tem um foco no plano físico, na ilha de Sri Lanka (antigo Ceilão), onde estão ancoradas as chamas do Espírito Santo e do Consolo.
A sua chama gêmea é Palas Atena, a Deusa da Verdade.
O cargo de “Grande Senhor”
Maha Chohan significa “Grande Senhor”. Ele é o Grande Senhor e o diretor dos sete chohans dos raios. Um dos requisitos para ocupar esse cargo da Hierarquia é atingir o nível de adepto em todos os sete raios que, combinados, dão origem à luz branca e pura do Espírito Santo. Os sete chohans e o Maha Chohan iniciam as almas, preparando-as para receber os nove dons do Espírito Santo, mencionados na Epístola 1 Coríntios 12:4-11.
As três primeiras raças-raízes que concluíram os planos divinos dentro do ciclo previsto de quatorze mil anos tiveram os seus próprios representantes do Espírito Santo. Estes graduaram-se no serviço cósmico com as respectivas raças-raízes.

The one who currently holds this office of Maha Chohan was embodied as the blind poet Homer, whose epic poems, the Iliad and the Odyssey, include his twin flame, Pallas Athena, as a central figure. The Iliad tells the story of the last year of the Trojan War, while the Odyssey focuses on the return home of Odysseus—one of the heroes of the Trojan War.
Historically, little is known about Homer, but most scholars believe he composed his poems in the eighth or ninth century B.C. Even at that time, Homer attuned his consciousness with the comfort flame, and the radiance he sustained with the focus of his own heart flame was a great blessing to elemental life.
Shepherd in India
In his final embodiment as a shepherd in India, the light that he quietly drew forth kept the flame for millions of lifestreams. He gained his mastery by consecrating his four lower bodies as a chalice for the flame of the Holy Spirit and his consciousness as a step-down transformer for the emanations of Sanat Kumara, the Ancient of Days.
The Maha Chohan has said of that embodiment:
I have been a shepherd in many lifetimes, caring for the sheep on the hillsides while praying to God to deliver me that I might bring deliverance to his own whom he entrusted to my care. And in the midst of my implorings to the Godhead, I was often taken up out of the body into the heaven-world and escorted by angels to academies of the Spirit where, under the tutelage of the one who held the office of Maha Chohan before me, I qualified myself to wear the mantle of the Holy Spirit.[1]
The Holy Spirit
Uma vez que o Espírito de Deus infunde a natureza e o homem como essência que concede a vida do fogo sagrado, o representante do Espírito Santo precisa estar qualificado para interpenetrar toda substância por meio da difusão da sua consciência, e também para atrair a chama que sustenta a vida no homem e na natureza, por meio da focalização da sua consciência.
O oxigênio é o elemento que corresponde à chama do Espírito Santo. Sem ele, nem o homem nem a vida elemental conseguiriam continuar a servir. A consciência do Maha Chohan é comparável ao Magneto do Grande Sol Central. Ele focaliza o Magneto sobre o planeta e atrai para a Terra as emanações do sol que sustentam a vida.
Para este serviço, o Grande Senhor conta com a ajuda das legiões de anjos do fogo branco que servem a chama branca e pura do Espírito Santo de Alfa e Ômega, ancorada no esplêndido altar do fogo sagrado que há no seu retiro etérico, sobre a ilha de Sri Lanka. Esses anjos extraem a essência do fogo sagrado dessa chama para sustentar a força prânica nos quatro corpos inferiores do planeta.
Servindo com o Sagrado Consolador há também anjos da chama rosa que cuidam do foco da chama do consolo, no altar central do retiro. Em uma sala adjacente, num cálice de cristal que tem base de ouro e é adornado com pombas de cristal, está ancorada uma chama branca salpicada de rosa, de onde emana uma poderosa radiação do amor divino. Esses anjos levam as emanações das chamas para os quatro cantos da Terra, para os corações de todos que anseiam pelo consolo e pela pureza do Deus Pai-Mãe.
As chamas gêmeas do Espírito Santo manifestaram-se como línguas de fogo bipartidas, no dia de Pentecostes, quando os discípulos foram preenchidos com o Espírito Santo.[2]274 Quando Jesus foi batizado, “viu o Espírito de Deus descendo como pomba e pousando sobre ele”.[3]A pomba é o símbolo físico da ação das chamas gêmeas do Espírito Santo, que também pode ser visualizada como um V alado, um foco das polaridades masculina e feminina da Divindade, e um lembrete de que Deus criou as chamas gêmeas para representarem a Sua natureza andrógina.
Na presença do Maha Chohan e no interior das paredes do seu retiro, sente-se o ritmo do Espírito Santo, as pulsações do sopro do fogo sagrado de Deus, liberando o fluxo da vida, do Sol Central para o interior do coração de todos que evoluem neste planeta.
The Maha Chohan has referred to the Holy Spirit as the great unifying coordinator who,
... like unto a mighty weaver of old, weaves a seamless garment of ascended master light and love. The shuttle of God’s attention upon man drives forth radiant beams of descending light, scintillating fragments of purity and happiness, toward earth and into the hearts of his children, whilst the tender risings of men’s hopes, aspirations, invocations and calls for assistance do pursue the Deity in his mighty haven of cosmic purity....
As a tiny seed of light, the Holy Spirit enters into the heart of the earth, into the density of matter, that it might expand throughout the cells of form and being, of thought and perception to become a gnosis and an effulgence in the cup of consciousness. This Holy Grail of immortal substance may be unrecognized by many who pass by, but to many others it will be perceived gleaming from behind the veil. Shedding the light of that divine knowing that transcends mortal conception and is the renewing freshness of eternity’s morn, it vitalizes each moment with the God-happiness that man cognizes through infinite perceptions cast as fragments into the chalice of his own consciousness.[4]
In 1974 the beloved Maha Chohan said:
The Karmic Board has decreed that at this hour in the evolution of this lifewave and this planetary home, there has come that moment when the cosmic clock has struck. It is the hour when mankind must receive the Holy Spirit and prepare the body temple to be the dwelling place of the Most High God. In this hour of the appearing of that Spirit, it is necessary that certain numbers of mankind are purified to receive that Spirit. For unless they receive that flame and that awareness, the world as a place of evolution as you know it today will cease to exist. For you see, the balance of all phases of life and evolution cannot continue unless the Holy Spirit becomes the quickening energy and the life and light of man and woman. When the clock strikes midnight and 1974 gives way to 1975, in that moment will be the release of the spiral of the Holy Spirit to the entire planet.[5]
Then the Maha Chohan told us that the release of the final quarter of the century was “a cosmic spiral that will be for the full realization of the Holy Spirit in man, in woman, in nature, in holy child. And the probation will be a twenty-five-year period to see whether enough among mankind will be able to maintain a tabernacle for the Holy Spirit through sacrifice, surrender and self-purification.”[6]
The Maha Chohan ministers to every person on earth as we enter this world and as we exit it. At the moment of that birth, he is present to breathe the breath of life into the body and to ignite the threefold flame that is lowered into manifestation in the secret chamber of the heart.
The Maha Chohan also attends at the transition called death, when he comes to withdraw the flame of life and to withdraw the holy breath. The flame, or divine spark, returns to the Holy Christ Self, and the soul, clothed in the etheric body, also returns to the level of the Holy Christ Self. Similarly, he will minister to you at every crossroad in life, if you will but pause for a moment when making decisions, think of the Holy Spirit and simply say the mantra, “Come, Holy Spirit, enlighten me.”
The radiation of the Maha Chohan is drawn through the musical composition “Homing,” by Arthur Salmon.
See also
Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats, s.v. “The Maha Chohan.”
- ↑ The Maha Chohan, “I Plead before the Court of the Sacred Fire for the Illumination of All Servants of God,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 38, no. 33, July 30, 1995.
- ↑ At 2:3.
- ↑ Mt 3:16.
- ↑ The Maha Chohan, “The Descent of the Holy Spirit,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 7, no. 48, November 27, 1964.
- ↑ The Maha Chohan, “A Tabernacle of Witness for the Holy Spirit in the Final Quarter of the Century,” July 1, 1974.
- ↑ Ibid.