
Sri Ramakrishna lived between 1836 and 1886. He was a Hindu saint and mystic born to a poor Brahmin family in a village in Bengal, India. Before his birth his father had a vision in which Rama told him that Rama would be reborn as his son. At the age of seven he had his first experience of spiritual ecstasy while he was worshiping the goddess Kali.
When he was twenty-three, he married Sarada Devi, who was then only five years old. Throughout their marriage he worshiped his wife as the incarnation of the Divine Mother and maintained a life of celibacy.
Ramakrishna experimented with various faiths, including Christianity and Islam, and said he could attain samadhi through any of them. He not only had visions of the Divine Mother, but also of Allah and Jesus. He said, “I have found that it is the same God toward whom all are directing their steps, though along different paths.”[1]
Ramakrishna said that there should be no conflict about the nature of God:
Really, [the divergent opinions about the nature of God] are not contradictory. As a man realizes him, so does he express himself. If somehow one attains him, then one finds no contradiction.... Kabir [a fifteenth-century Hindu mystic] used to say: “The formless Absolute is my Father, and God with form is my Mother.”[2]
Final embodiment and ascension
Ramakrishna did not make his ascension at the conclusion of that life. He reincarnated in the United States for the final balancing of his karma through the violet flame, was a student in the I AM Activity, completed his training and his work there and made his ascension at the conclusion of this life.
In a Pearl of Wisdom from January 20, 1980, Paul the Venetian mentioned “the ascended master Ramakrishna whose spouse and beloved twin flame, Sarada Devi, remains unascended in the community of lightbearers, wearing his mantle—she the anchor of his love, he the lifeline of her anchor.”
Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Lost Teachings on Your Higher Self.
Elizabeth Clare Prophet, July 12, 1990.
Elizabeth Clare Prophet, June 29, 1992.