Vicarious atonement

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Vicarious atonement is the doctrine, taught by orthodox Christianity today, that Jesus’ death on the cross paid the price for the sins of humanity—past, present and future. This is a doctrine propagated by Satan and his seed to deprive the people of the accountability for their actions.

It is a half-truth because Jesus did pay the price for the sins of humanity. The other side of the equation is that humanity must rise to the level of their own Christhood and pay that debt and take back upon themselves what Jesus has carried for them. This mistaken teaching denies the true doctrine which states that good works—when done to the glory of God—are the means to balance karma, to pay one’s debts to life to set the record straight.

The karma that Jesus bore

The true understanding of Jesus’ bearing the sins of the world is that when mankind make a karma that is so grave that it could not be balanced and therefore they would have to go through the second death, God has periodically taken mercy upon mankind and sent a Son of Light who is virtually karma free or has just enough karma to keep him on earth. That individual, by his attainment and his adeptship, will take on the planetary karma and bear the sins of the world; and by doing this he renews opportunity for those who sinned to correctly qualify energy and return to God.

However, the misinterpretation of this teaching has resulted in people ignoring the law of karma. The fallen ones have distorted the law of karma and distorted this concept of the Saviour taking on the sins of the world to mean that people need only confess their sins, and they can have salvation.

The karma that Jesus took upon himself is the original karma involving the fall of Lemuria through disobedience to the Law of God and the lowering of the energies in misuse of the sacred fire. Jesus did not take upon himself all future misdeeds of the race. He took upon himself that basic karma of the Fall, or the descent of consciousness, so that people could, in effect, from the point of grace that he had attained to and on the momentum of his consciousness, return to the state of grace in order to balance the karma of their electronic belts and thereby bring themselves to the place where they could bear the karma of their fall. And when they get to the place of bearing the karma of their fall, they are at the place of meeting their own dweller-on-the-threshold and the totality of the spirals that occurred through the Fall—the negative spirals of the fall of consciousness from the upper chakras to the lower chakras.

There is a difference between balancing the karma of day-to-day sins and the balancing of the karma of the original Fall. Since we have to function from the level of the consciousness of the planet, which is in the state of this fallen consciousness, we are functioning in a certain plane that almost of necessity involves sin on a day-to-day basis. Since that is a way of life on the planet, the masters have developed a code of ethics by which people may live until they evolve out of this state of consciousness.[1] People will be dealing with karma until they can come to grips with the mastery of the sacred fire.

Unfortunately, instead of doing this, people place the whole of their responsibility for all of their involvements on Jesus and think that thereby they have no responsibility. This is the scapegoat consciousness, the inherent desire of the carnal mind to place the responsibility for its failures, its inequities upon the Christ and upon the sons and daughters of God who have the Christ consciousness.

The true nature of Jesus’ sacrifice

Jesus explains:

The scriptures declare that “without shedding of blood there is no remission” of sins.[2] I am declaring to you and to all men forever the truth concerning this biblical statement, herein quite simply revealed: without the shedding (casting off) of that life, or life-force, which has been misqualified with human foolishness, the sins of man can never be remitted (requalified with the love plan of God). Moreover, without the release of the life-essence (i.e., “blood”) of the Lamb who is your Holy Christ Self, you cannot balance your karma.[3]

God did not demand that Jesus be the propitiation for the sins of man by dying, but he did demand that he be the propitiation for our sins—for world karma, in fact—by living. The most important event in Jesus’ life was his offering of himself to God.

Jesus bore world karma in the Piscean dispensation. He even fell under the weight of the Piscean cross of Death and doubt and fear and the world torment of that Hell created not by God but by the reprobate angels.[4] It was not his crucifixion, not his death that conquered Death, but his obedient, loving sacrifice in Life, which he gladly made and continued to make unto the Final Judgment of the false hierarchy of the fallen angels.

Jesus perceived the pitiful plight of the people of earth and agreed to take embodiment at that crucial hour of earth’s history to mitigate the full impact of the karma that was scheduled to descend. This doesn’t mean that Jesus “wiped away” our sins (karma). It simply means that Jesus bought us time. He bore our karma for a time to give us the opportunity to gain self-mastery so that we could better deal with that karma when it descended.

See also



For more information

Jesus and Kuthumi, Corona Class Lessons: For Those Who Would Teach Men the Way, ch. 22, “Sacrifice,” and ch. 23, “Atonement.”

Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Path of the Universal Christ, pp. 152–66.

Elizabeth Clare Prophet with Patricia R. Spadaro and Murray L. Steinman, Saint Germain’s Prophecy for the New Millennium, pp. 164–65.


Elizabeth Clare Prophet, January 1, 1993.

Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Path of the Universal Christ, pp. 258–59.

Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Lost Teachings on Finding God Within.

  1. The code of ethics established by the Brotherhood has been conveyed through such statements as the Ten Commandments, the Sermon on the Mount and the Eightfold Path. These codes have varied in some ways in different eras, depending on the consciousness of the people. For example the Ten Commandments are a list of prohibited behavior (avoiding making negative karma); the Sermon on the Mount adds to this and reframes standards in positive form (things to be done to balance karma and make good karma). However, the statement of the Golden Rule, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you,” is found in some form in all religions and is the basis for all of these codes. It also contains within it a clear understanding of the law of karma. Unfortunately, men have often added to or taken away from the Brotherhood’s code of ethics. An example of the former is the excessive legalism of some Jewish sects. The latter is seen in the repudiation of many of the moral and ethical standards of the Brotherhood’s code by Western society in recent decades.—Ed.
  2. Heb. 9:22.
  3. Jesus and Kuthumi, Corona Class Lessons: For Those Who Would Teach Men the Way, p. 181.
  4. On the fourteen stations of the cross, Jesus fell the first time on the third station, which corresponds to the two o’clock line of the Cosmic Clock, the line of Pisces. The misuse of energy on that line is described as “fear, doubt, human questioning and records of death.”—Ed.