Samþjappaður styrkur heilags elds losaður, hið skapandi ljós/orka sem leysist úr læðing sem andsvar við hinu talaða orði; hinn dularfulli rafkraftur kosmískrar vitundar, hið knýjandi lífsafl. Þegar guðleg tilskipun kallar hann fram færist þróun alheims, vetrarbrautar eða sólkerfis eða einstakrar mannveru frá upphafi til endaloka ætlunarverksins. Hið óendanlega æðsta afl á bak við öll hliðaröfl.
El Morya útskýrir:
Fóhatískar úrlausnir, ástfólgnu vinir, eru sameindaformúlur sem eru notaðar fyrir ákveðna losun á krafti orkustöðva. Þessi orka, þegar hún er kóðuð í ákveðnum birtingarmyndum, getur komið fram á efnissviðinu í hvers kyns birtingarmynd, hvaða styrkleika geislanna sjö sem er fyrir ákveðna aðgerð eða krefjandi verkefni.[1]
Omri-Tas gives further instruction on the use of fohat:
The white-fire core of each and every flame is the fohat. And the release of that fire for the creation and the uncreation of matter is accomplished by those who become masters of the sacred fire by practice, by exercising the flame and the decree, and by absolute unselfed love.
Absolute God-Love complemented by Wisdom and the perfect devotion to the Will of God is the key to your adeptship which, I tell you, you can gain by this diligence in the exercise of the science of the spoken Word, being mindful of all other requirements of the balancing of the threefold flame. And you will find that until you step from the outer periphery of the flame to its white fire core, your own Holy Christ Self does stand in the center and will release in answer to your call as much of that fohat as the Law will allow, as much as it is safe for you to have in your aura, given your present attainment.[2]
El Morya, Ashram Notes, p. 106.