Helíos og Vesta

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Other languages:

Helíos er Guð þessa sólkerfis og dvelur í hjarta hinnar efnislegu sólar. Með tvíburaloga sínum, Vesta, þjónar hann sem tákn guðdómsins fyrir þeim sem þróast á plánetunum sem snúast um sólina. Það er Guðs-vitund þeirra sem heldur uppi efnislegu sólkerfi okkar.

Mósaík sem sýnir Helios innan hvelfingar í forstofu Széchenyi-baðsins í Búdapest. Í gríski goðafræði er lýst að Helíos keyri gylltum vagni dreginn af fjórum hestum.

Helios, the Lord of the Dawn, and Vesta, the Mother of Eternal Cycles, are known as Presiding Solar Deities and are the representatives of the Father-Mother God in the Sun behind the sun of this solar system. Helios serves on the golden ray and his twin flame, Vesta, on the pink ray. Among the twelve solar hierarchies, they represent the hierarchy of Aries (the three o’clock line) to the evolutions of this system. This is the line of the Son of God, the only begotten One, and it is on this line that the Sun Presence of Helios and the Great Central Sun messengers focus the quality of God-control, which they amplify by the power of the Great Central Sun Magnet. This Magnet is the God-control of the flow of life through us, the flow of the energy of the Logos. This is the quality we must outpicture under the hierarchy of Aries.

The ancient Greeks knew Helios as the Sun God. In Roman mythology, Vesta was worshiped as the Goddess of the Hearth. The Greeks knew her as Hestia. Each Roman and Greek household and city kept a fire burning perpetually in the honor of Vesta. In Rome, the sacred fire in the temple of Vesta was tended by six priestesses called vestal virgins.

Beloved Helios has told us:

Just as the tides of the sea flow in and out, so the tides of the eternal sun radiate in ever recurring cycles. When the incoming tide of the Great Solar Light pours into your world, it is God conveying his grace and gifts to you. When the tide goes out, it is a time for you to convey to him your gratitude and your desire to become a very essential part of him. Those who are eager to receive the light that is incoming, with its buoyancy, its joy, its power, often do not recognize the moments when life does not seem to be with them ... as the moments when God is asking them to send love and supplication in his direction.[1]

See also

Temple of the Sun of Helios and Vesta


Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats, s.v. “Helios and Vesta.”

  1. Helios, “The God Behind the Physical Sun.” Part 2, Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 13, no. 30, July 26, 1970.