Höggormurinn (tákn)
Hringaði höggormurinn er dulspekilegt tákn orsakalíkamans og auga höggormsins í miðjunni táknar alsjáandi auga Guðs. Hringvafningurinn sem myndast af líkama höggormsins táknar umbrot hringrása raunveruleikans í kringum miðpunkt sýnarinnar í Kristi. Kraftur sýnarinnar er margfaldaður með fjölda snúninga sem höggormkrafturinn er undinn um miðju æðra sjálfsins.

Tákn höggormsins er einnig notað til að sýna merkúrsstafinn, fléttun orku föður og móður um miðju verundarinnar, Krists. Móse hélt uppi eirhöggorminum í eyðimörkinni svo að með vísindum sannra sjóntöfra (sýn þriðja augans) yrði flæði helgrar orku fólksins hraðað. Þessi hröðun var til þess að hækka höggormkraftinn (kúndalíni) sem nær hámarki í hvirfil orkustöðinni (viskan sem heilar karma fáfræðinnar) og í þriðja auganu (sýnin sem heilar karma ótilhlýðilegrar löngunar).
Merkúrsstafurinn mótaður af Móse er tákn læknastéttarinnar í dag.
Til upplýsingar um fallna engilinn þekktan sem Höggorminn, sjá Höggorminn (fallna engilinn)
Hvernig Móse notaði merkúrsstafinn
Sanat Kumara útskýrir dulspekilega þýðingu merkúrsstafsins:
When I sent fiery serpents among the people of Israel who spake out against both God and Moses, these were the precipitation of their own spirit of rebellion and disobedience—the very same spirit of the seed of Serpent which they had allowed to enter their minds.
By a mere inversion of the coil of energy which had proceeded out of their mouths in impurity and impiety, their miscreations returned to them the poisonous venom with which they would have, if they could, killed Moses. And many of them experienced death by the return of their own energy, reversed by my right hand upraised against them. Such is the mantle of the Great White Brotherhood—an ever-present protection upon those who exercise their spiritual offices with all diligence, humility, and love.
When the people therefore called upon the law of forgiveness for their sins, I bade Moses form a fiery serpent and set it upon a pole; and any that were bitten by the poisonous snakes, which returned to them the poison of their own consciousness, were restored to life as they beheld (meditated upon) this brazen serpent.
It was the symbol of the life-force and the representation of their own Mother light rising for the healing of mind and soul and body. The snake entwined about the wand of Mercury has remained the symbol of the victory of life over death. It is the symbol of healing Truth and the wholeness of Alpha and Omega that is realized through meditation in and upon the All-Seeing Eye of God. And all who look upon that Eye make contact with God’s vision of the perfection of their being and consciousness.[1]
Sjá einnig
Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Path of Self-Transformation.
- ↑ Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Opening of the Seventh Seal: Sanat Kumara on the Path of the Ruby Ray, chapter 34.