Stóra hvíta bræðralagið

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Andleg skipan vestrænna dýrlinga og austurlenskra fullnuma sem hafa sameinast á ný anda hins lifanda Guðs; regla hinna himnesku herskara himnanna. Þeir hafa hafið sig upp yfir hringrás karma og endurfæðinga og stigið upp (hraðað eða hækkað vitundarstig sitt) til æðri veruleika sem er eilífur dvalarstaður sálarinnar. Orðið „hvítur“ vísar ekki til kynþáttar heldur til áru (geislabaugs) hvíts ljóss sem umlykur þá.

uppstignir meistararmenn hins Stóra hvíta bræðralags, sameinaðir í æðstu tilgangi bræðralags mannsins undir föðurhlutverki Guðs, hafa komið fram á öllum tímum frá öllum siðmenningum og trúarbrögðum og hafa blásið mönnum byr í brjóst hvatningu til skapandi árangurs í menntun, listum og vísindum, guðlegum stjórnarháttum og velsæld í efnahagslífi þjóðanna. Bræðralagið hefur einnig innan sinna raða ákveðna óuppstigna chela-nema hinna uppstignu meistara. Jesús Kristur opinberaði þjóni sínum Jóhannesi hinum elskaða þessa himnesku skipan heilagra „skrýddum hvítum skikkjum“ í Opinberun.[1]


Meginhlutverk Hvíta bræðralagsins er að vekja mannkynið til vitundar og skilnings um það frelsi sem felst í einingu við alheiminn – hinum óskeikulu lögmálum sem stjórna hringrásum og örlögum örheimsins (mannsins) og stórheimsins (hið sanna ljósheimili).


Hugmyndin um Bræðralagið fæddist í huga Guðs í gegnum alheims Krists-vitundina sem er Logos, hið hreina ljós hins mikla hvíta vegs. Guð faðir gat ekki horft upp á hið illa né ranglæti en fyrir Krist, var hann í snertingu við allar aðstæður í alheiminum. Krists-vitið gæddi hugmynd föðurins áþreifanlegum veruleika hins Stóra hvíta bræðralags. Þannig urðu til hin óaðfinnanlegu klæði hinnar almennu Krists-vitundar.

Bræðralagið er von hvers manns. Það er áætlun Guðs um skipulega tjáningu kærleika hans. Það er ráðstöfun hans til að hefja einstaklinginn til vegs með því að hefja upp heildina og öfugt. Það er áhrifarík leið þar sem Guð teygir sig í laumi til að framkvæma undur sín og kraaftaverk til frelsunar og hjálpræðis í heimi sem hefur vikið af vegi réttlætisins.

Þótt það sé andlegt að uppruna heldur Hvíta bræðralagið mjög raunverulegu sambandi við fólk á jörðinni í dag. Æðri innvígðir eru alveg meðvitaðir um snertingu sína við bræðralagið en lægri innvígðir vinna og þjóna án nokkurrar án vitundar um sambandið. Hið mikla hvíta bræðralag starfar einnig á öðrum plánetum og í öðrum heimskerfum.


Félagsmenn þessa andlega bræðralags eru fulltrúar guðdómsins eins og geislar sólarinnar. Hver og einn ber hluta vitundar skaparans og gerir hana raunverulega fyrir jarðneskum sálum. Félagsmönnum er óheimilt að upplýsa um aðild sína - jafnvel öðrum félögum. Þeir mega þó gangast við þjónustu sinni undir stjórn meistara hins Stóra hvíta bræðralags.

Einn af þekktustu félögum Hvíta bræðralagsins er hinn uppstigni meistari Jesús Kristur en þjónusta hans í Galíleu var stórkostleg birting og uppfylling alda mikils undirbúnings og árþúsunda gamals guðlegs ásetnings. Æðri vígslumenn bræðralagsins eru þekktir sem „logadrottnar“.

Starfsemi Bræðralagsins

Every ascended master belongs to the Great White Brotherhood, and those who aspire to union with this Brotherhood must aspire to the Christ consciousness. It is not possible to reveal all of the myriad functions of the Brotherhood and the methods by which it seeks to assist mankind and protect mankind against himself. It is the agency of God upon earth, and while it has been much maligned and misunderstood, it continues to function and will until every individual upon this earth attains his natural God-intended freedom. Let us however present the sacred goals set forth by the Chief of the Darjeeling Council of the Great White Brotherhood.

At the beginning of the New Year in 1968, beloved El Morya released a fifteen-point program of assistance, which the councils of the Brotherhood had determined to release to mankind during that year. These points sum up the purposes of the Brotherhood through the ages, and so we include them here in order that those who desire to place their hands firmly in the hands of the Brothers in White may understand specifically what they may do to further the divine plan for the earth and invoke the assistance that the heavenly hosts deem most important at this hour of world need.

El Morya writes:

Who can deny the needs of this hour or of humanity? Who should? It is our earnest desire to render the following assistance to mankind individually and collectively as they are able to respond to the ministrations of the Heavenly Hosts:

1. to step up the level of individual service in order to provide for greater clarity of understanding to men of lesser comprehension;

2. to set forth in a most desirable manner the higher teachings of cosmic law for those who are able to grasp them;

3. to create more stable ties with the Hierarchy through our cosmic outposts in the world of men;

4. to introduce new levels of integrity, justice and faith in government and business and in religious, scientific and artistic endeavors;

5. to assist those who have seen or experienced little of the heavenly kingdom by amplifying the power of godly vision among men;

6. to develop the spiritual nature of all peoples in order that they may experience greater joy in carrying out the will of God wherever and whenever they are called upon to serve;

7. to sustain faith in those who yet must walk by it;

8. to meet the spiritual needs of mankind at all levels of consciousness;

9. to promote peace and understanding in order to accelerate the manifestation of cosmic purpose;

10. to utilize renewed interest in extrasensory perception and matters of the Spirit in order to direct the seeker toward the unfolding of his latent divinity rather than involvement in a search for the phenomenal;

11. to elucidate further to mankind upon the great story of the cosmic Hierarchy;

12. to build mighty pools of reserve energies as reservoirs of spiritual power that can be used by the disciples of the ascended masters in their service to mankind and for the blessing of all life directly from the retreats of the ascended masters;

13. to secure new dispensations from the Karmic Board that will feed these energy pools and embodied individuals connected with the Hierarchy with sufficient power and cosmic know-how to externalize the plan for the year;

14. to encourage all, even the downtrodden, to keep high their faith in the ultimate outpicturing of the glory of God, right while perceiving the absolute necessity to counteract the ignorant manifestations of mankind involved in their excessive materialism, the use of psychedelic drugs, dissonant music and art forms, and vain pleasure-seeking to their own hurt; and

15. to integrate the whole man in accordance with the original divine plan.[2]

The Summit Lighthouse

The Summit Lighthouse activity derives its authority from and is sponsored by the Great White Brotherhood. As long as it upholds the tenets of that Brotherhood to the best of its ability, the Brotherhood will, in this age, and we hope in many to come, use the arm of the Summit to uphold the torch of enlightenment unto man.

See also

For more information

Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Path to Attainment, chapter 4, “The Great White Brotherhood.”


Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Saint Germain On Alchemy: Formulas for Self-Transformation

Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Path to Attainment, chapter 4, “The Great White Brotherhood.”

  1. Opinb. 3:4, 5; 6:9–11; 7:9, 13, 14; 19:14.
  2. El Morya, Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 11, no. 1.