Elizabeth Clare Prophet
Elizabeth Clare Prophet var frumkvöðull í nútíma trúarhugsun, einn fremsti kvenkyns trúarleiðtogi tuttugustu aldar. Hún leiddi samtök um allan heim og rit hennar hafa selst í milljónum eintaka. Hennar er minnst í dag sem öflugs leiðtoga og andlegs kennara sem hvatti marga til að feta andlega veginn til Guðs.

Fyrri ár
Elizabeth Clare Wulf fæddist í Red Bank, New Jersey, árið 1939. Hún gekk í Antioch College, fluttist síðar til Háskólans í Boston, þar sem hún útskrifaðist með B.A. gráðu í stjórnmálafræði. Andleg leit hennar spratt af barnsminningum hennar um fyrri líf og ákvörðun hennar um að finna staðfestingu á sannleikanum sem Jesús talaði til hennar í hjarta hennar. Þegar hún var níu ára hafði hún farið í allar mótmælenda- og kaþólskar kirkjur og samkunduhús gyðinga í bænum Red Bank án þess að finna svörin sem hún leitaði að.
Frá níu til átján ára aldurs nam hún heildarverk Mary Baker Eddy auk Biblíunnar og sótti Kristnu vísindakirkjuna (Christian Science church) og sunnudagaskólann á staðnum. Þótt hún væri sátt við dýpri sannleika andlegu spekinnar sem hún lærði vissi hún að eitthvað vantaði og hélt því áfram leit sinni.
Leitin að uppstignu meisturunum
Þegar hún var átján ára opnaði hún bók um hina uppstignu meistara sem hún hafði séð á bókasafni foreldra sinna í mörg ár en aldrei tekið úr hillunni. Hún stóð augliti til auglitis við mynd af uppstigna meistaranum Saint Germain. „Þetta voru þáttaskil í lífi mínu,“ rifjaði hún upp síðar. Í fyrsta sinn hafði hún fundið fyrir nærveru uppstigins meistara og varð það til þess að hún varði næstu fjórum árum í að leita að einhverjum sem gæti leitt hana til Saint Germains.
Þann 22. apríl, 1961, sótti hún fund Summit Lighthouse (Ljós-vitanum á tindinum) í Boston og hitti leiðtoga þess, Mark L. Prophet, boðbera hinna uppstignu meistara. Hún endurþekkti hann sem kennarann sem hún hafði leitað að allt sitt líf, þann sem myndi leiða hana á andlegu brautinni. Innan sex vikna birtist meistarinn El Morya henni í garði í Boston og sagði henni að fara til Washingtonborgar þar sem Mark Prophet myndi þjálfa hana í að verða boðberi.
Answering the call, Elizabeth entered a period of intense spiritual discipline and inner soul awakening. Three years later she received Saint Germain’s anointing to be a messenger of the Great White Brotherhood. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, she began delivering prophetic messages from the ascended masters.
Mark and Elizabeth were married in 1963, and they had four children over the next nine years.
With a growing staff and nationwide membership, Mark and Elizabeth moved their headquarters to Colorado Springs in 1966. Their spiritual retreat, known as La Tourelle, a beautiful mansion in the Broadmoor area, became a gathering place for seekers in the ’60s. On February 26, 1973, Mark Prophet passed on, having completed his mission. He is known today as the ascended master Lanello.
Elizabeth carried on the mission with the support of the staff and devotees of the masters worldwide. She led a spiritual pilgrimage to South America in December 1973 and held a conference in Mexico City that Christmas. In the following years she traveled to West Africa, Europe, Australia, the Philippines, India, across the United States and Canada, and returned to South America in 1996, speaking to thousands of people and reaching millions more on radio and television.
She also continued to write books—her own and compilations of Mark’s work—and to administer what was to become a worldwide organization. Her first priority remained the weekly Pearls of Wisdom (letters from the ascended masters to their students around the world).
By 1976 Mrs. Prophet was established as a prominent religious leader. She moved the organization’s headquarters to a leased campus in Pasadena, California, and two years later purchased the 218-acre Gillette estate in the Santa Monica Mountains near Malibu. The property was renamed “Camelot,” in memory of King Arthur and the fellowship of the Round Table.
In 1981, the organization purchased the Royal Teton Ranch, in Park County, Montana. The organization moved there in 1986, and it remains the international headquarters of The Summit Lighthouse and Church Universal and Triumphant.
Mrs. Prophet lectured in more than 30 countries and 150 cities around the world, published more than 50 books, conducted four conferences each year along with many other special seminars, gave in-depth teaching to Summit University classes, ministered to thousands of followers, and founded her own private school, Montessori International.
Her books include the new age best-sellers The Lost Years of Jesus, Saint Germain On Alchemy, The Human Aura, Fallen Angels and the Origins of Evil, and Violet Flame to Heal Body, Mind and Soul, as well as such classics of esoteric literature as the Lost Teachings of Jesus series and the Climb the Highest Mountain® series. Mrs. Prophet conducted seminars and workshops on such topics as karma and reincarnation, prophecy, angels, the mystical paths of the world’s religions and practical spirituality.
Elizabeth Clare Prophet retired in 1999 for health reasons, and on October 15, 2009, made her transition to higher octaves.
Today the Royal Teton Ranch is the international headquarters for The Summit Lighthouse as well as Church Universal and Triumphant, Summit University and Summit University Press, which carry on her mission of bringing the teachings of the ascended masters to the world and helping people expand the light within and find their way back Home.
Köllun hennar
Elizabeth Prophtet hefur sagt eftirfarandi um köllun sína:
The ascended masters present a path and a teaching whereby every individual on earth can find his way back to God. I do not claim to be a master but only their instrument. Nor do I claim to be perfect in my human self. I am the servant of the light in all students of the ascended masters and in all people. My books and writings are intended to give people the opportunity to know the Truth that can make them free—so they can find God without me. My goal is to take true seekers, in the tradition of the masters of the Far East, as far as they can go and need to go to meet their true Teachers face to face.
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Elizabeth Clare Prophet hefur skrifað minningargrein um fyrstu ár sín sem ber titilinn In My Own Words.
Samantekt ritstjóra.