Mark L. Prophet
Mark L. Prophet, nú uppstigni meistarinn Lanello fékk köllun frá El Morya til að stofna Summit Lighthouse (Ljós-vitann á tindinum) og til að setja fram kenningar uppstignu meistaranna fyrir [inngöngu mannkynsins inn í] vatnsberaöldina.

Fyrri ár
Mark L. Prophet var einkabarn Thomas og Mabel Prophets, fæddist aðfangadagskvöld 1918 í Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin. Á barnsaldri urðu dulrænar hneigðir hans augljósar. Hann sá og átti oft samskipti við engla og náttúruanda. Þegar hann var níu ára dó faðir hans og hafði það mikil áhrif á hann. Þegar hinn ungi Mark sótti hvítasunnukirkjuna sýndi hann óvenjulega trúarhollustu þar sem hann baðst fyrir á klukkutíma fresti við altarið sem hann byggði á háaloftinu heima hjá sér. Áður en hann lauk menntaskóla hafði hann hlotið allar níu náðargjafir heilags anda.
When Mark was a young man the ascended master El Morya appeared to him but, unable to reconcile the turbaned Eastern adept with his lifelong devotion to Jesus, Mark dismissed him.
Years later, El Morya returned. Having realized that the path of the Ascended Masters was also the path of Jesus, Mark accepted Morya as his teacher and took on the rigors of Eastern discipleship. Mark also studied the teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda and was for a time associated with Self-Realization Fellowship as well as the Rosicrucian order.
After serving in the Air Force in World War II, Mark lectured on Christian and Eastern mysticism and the Masters of Wisdom from 1945 until 1952 when he began publishing a series of letters for his students called Ashram Notes, dictated by El Morya from his Ashram at Darjeeling, India.
Stofnun Summit Lighthouse
In 1958 the master called him to Washington, D.C., to found The Summit Lighthouse for the purpose of publishing the teachings of the ascended masters. In August 1958, El Morya dictated to Mark the first of the Pearls of Wisdom, weekly letters from the ascended masters to their students, launching a worldwide movement.
On April 22, 1961, Elizabeth, the twin flame of Mark, attended a meeting of The Summit Lighthouse in Boston, and met Mark, the messenger for the ascended masters, for the first time. She then began her training as a messenger for the masters. Mark and Elizabeth were married on March 16, 1963, and continued to build The Summit Lighthouse together.
On February 26, 1973, Mark passed on, having completed his mission. He is now known as the ascended master Lanello.
Fyrri æviskeið
Mark was also a messenger in prior embodiments. As the prophet Noah, he received the prophecy of the Flood and exhorted the people for over a hundred years. As the Egyptian pharaoh Ikhnaton, messenger of Aton (the God of the Sun), he introduced monotheism.
Sjá einnig
Meira um fyrri líf Mark Prophets, sjá Lanelló.
Til frekari upplýsinga
Um persónulegar minningar af Mark Prophet, sjá Annice Booth, Memories of Mark: My Life with Mark Prophet.
Myndband af lífi Marks, sjá Mark's Movie.
Prófíll bæklingur (1993)