Goddelijke geest, heraut, voorloper; boodschapper gezonden door God om zijn Woord aan zijn kinderen te verkondigen. Dienende geesten uitgezonden om de erfgenamen van Christus te bedienen – gerust te stellen, te beschermen, te leiden, te versterken, te onderwijzen, raad te geven en te waarschuwen. Scharen van Licht in dienst van de Gechristenden, de zonen en dochters van God, in de hele kosmos. Een ‘angle’ (Engels voor ‘hoek’) van Gods bewustzijn – een aspect van zijn Zelfbewustzijn; een wezen door God gevormd uit zijn eigen vlammende Aanwezigheid om zijn leven in de vorm te bedienen. En van de engelen zegt hij: “Die zijn engelen maakt tot geesten en zijn dienaren tot een vuurvlam.”[1]
De engelenheerscharen vormen een evolutie die los staat van de mensheid door hun vlammende eigenheid en hun zuiverheid van devotie aan de Godheid en aan de Aartsengelen en hiërarchen onder wiens bevel zij dienen. Hun functie is om de eigenschappen van God te concentreren, versnellen en te vermeerderen ten behoeve van zijn schepping. Zij bedienen de noden van de mensheid door Licht naar hun aura’s te magnetiseren waarmee ze gevoelens van hoop, vertrouwen, en liefde, eer, integriteit, moed, waarheid en vrijheid, genade en rechtvaardigheid, en elk aspect van de kristallen helderheid van de Geest van God versterken.
Because of the blessedness of their unseen presence, the author of Hebrews said, “Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares”[2]—and in so saying made a point for the case that angels do take embodiment and move among us as our best friends and helpers, even when total strangers.
Metaphorically speaking, angels are electrons revolving around the Sun Presence that is God—electrons who have elected, by his will innate within them, to expand his consciousness in every plane of being. Angels are electrons who have been ‘charged’ with the light/energy/consciousness of the Great Central Sun to be ‘electrodes’, i.e., pillars of God’s fiery presence acting as ‘step-down transformers’ of the ineffable Light, that his children might receive some hope of the glory that is to come midst the dark night of their karmic condition upon earth.
Angels can assume human form or that of ‘rods’ and ‘cones’ or spirals and coils of concentrated energy that can be released for personal and planetary healing in answer to the call of the Christed ones as a literal transfusion of the Body and Blood of the Cosmic Christ wherever and whenever there is a need. There are angels of healing, protection, love, comfort and compassion, angels attending the cycles of birth and death, angels of the All-Seeing Eye of God who wield the flaming sword of Truth to cleave asunder the Real from the Unreal. There are types and orders of angels who perform specific services in the cosmic hierarchy, such as seraphim and cherubim, and angel devas who serve with the nature spirits and elementals of fire, air, water, and earth.
The initiation of angels
The Lord in his infinite love has provided for the initiation of angels, that they might rise in the order of hierarchy. Through centuries of allegiance to the Creator and unswerving devotion to his creation, angels may be given the sacred gift of free will and the opportunity to enter the portals of birth. Once they descend into form in this manner, angels begin evolving through the kingdom of the Gods, subject to the same tests, initiations and karmic laws that apply to the sons and daughters of God. When they have met all of these requirements, the angels may pass through the ritual of the ascension and may then qualify to fill the office of Archangel or Archeia for a system of worlds.
See also
Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Saint Germain On Alchemy: Formulas for Self-Transformation.
Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and the Spiritual Path.