Apolló og Lúmína

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Apolló og Lúmína eru verndarar hinnar kosmísku Krists-vitundar. Elóhím annars geislans aðstoðar þá sem þrá að þekkja Guð í gegnum huga sonarins, annarar persónu þrenningarinnar. Fyrir Elóhím annars geisla er allt "útfelling úr huga Guðs“.

Stytta af Appoló (rómversk eftirmynd af upprunalegri bronsstyttu)


Sá guð sem Grikkir þekktu fyrir löngu sem hinn goðsagnakennda Apólló gæti vel verið framsetning minningarinnar um forn kynni við þennan elóhím. Í aldanna rás tóku guðirnir og gyðjurnar hins vegar á sig fleiri og fleiri mannleg einkenni í huga fólksins. Þess vegna þarf það sem nú er eignað Appól sem guði grískrar goðafræði ekki endilega að endurspegla raunveruleika þessa elóhíms.

Apollo var þekktur í pítagorasarhefðinni sem tákn karlmannlegrar fegurðar, sólguðinn sem persónugerir hið andlega ljós í mynd sólarinnar. Hann stendur fyrir niðurstigningu himins á jörðu. Apollí er af sumum talinn vera sólarlogosinn, milligöngumaðurinn, Vishnú, Míta, Hórus, hið alheimslega Orð. Apolló var löggjafi grísku borgríkjanna. Sem guð spásagna og spádóma tjáði hann sig við mannkynið fyrir munn spámanna og véfrétta eins og í hinni frægu véfrétt í Delfí.

Stytta af Appoló frá musteri Seifs, Ólympíu

Logi uppljómunarinnar

Logi Apolló er gullinn litur hjúpaður slíðri úr bláum eldingum. Blái loginn virkar sem verndandi kraftsvið orku sem umlykur ljós Krists. Þessi bláa elding sker í gegnum þykkni mannlegra mistaka og misbeitingar og greiðir götuna fyrir hinn gullna loga Lúmínu sem sýnir fullkomnun sjö þátta Krists-hugans. Tvíburalogarnir Apolló og Lúmína fylla jörð, loft, eld og vatn viti læst í miðju frumeindarinnar — í kjarna hins demants-skínandi huga Guðs.

Apollo and Lumina want us to focus on education and the quickening of the mind of God within all mankind. On July 6, 1975, Apollo came with a major dispensation of a rod of illumination for the stepping-up of the minds of humanity. Apollo said this dispensation is delivered only once in ten thousand years. He said: “Mankind may, if they choose, employ the rod to enter a new era and a golden age.”[1]

The Great Divine Director explained that this electrode of energy could turn around all negativity that has ever been superimposed upon us. “This dispensation came in order that for the remaining quarter of the century, the lightbearers should have every advantage possible to increase divine awareness,”[2] and so that the mind of God could be restored within them.

You may visualize the rod of illumination being activated within you. See it as an intense golden light pulsating within your brain. See this electrode burning up all impurities that would impede the flow of God’s light in your mind. Also see a corona of golden light that is the manifestation of the mind of God superimposed over your own head and over the heads of the children of light on earth.


Aðalgrein: Athvarf Appolós og Lúminu

Apollo and Lumina’s retreat is located in the etheric plane over Lower Saxony, Germany. In preparation for the coming golden age, tremendous tides of illumination’s flame are being released from this temple. The millions of angels who serve under Apollo and Lumina are ready to go forth to raise the consciousness of the entire earth to the level of the Christ in answer to the calls of the students.

These angels, together with those angels serving at the retreats of Jophiel and Christine, Lord Lanto, the God and Goddess Meru, Lord Gautama Buddha, Lord Himalaya, Lord Maitreya and the World Teachers, Jesus and Kuthumi, should be called upon on behalf of the enlightenment of all mankind, for they are equal in every respect to the tremendous task at hand. Ask them to bring about illumined, intelligent action in all situations, especially those that affect the future of earth and her evolutions.

Sjá einnig



Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats, sjá “Apolló og Lúmína.”

  1. Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Great White Brotherhood in the Culture, History and Religion of America, p. 269–70.
  2. The Great Divine Director, “A Path of Karma Yoga”, Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 31, no. 73, October 30, 1988.