Retiros del Maestro de París

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El Maestro de París tiene un retiro etérico sobre la Île de la Cité, que es la isla sobre el Sena, en el mismísimo centro de París, y lugar de nacimiento de Francia. La Sainte Chapelle es el punto de anclaje de este retiro. La capilla tiene hermosas vidrieras con brillantes azules y bellos rubíes. La luz que se filtra por los vidrios concentra los aspectos de los rayos de la conciencia de Dios. Las salas de justicia, las cortes supremas y las cortes de Francia, reflejando la justicia de Porcia y Saint Germain, rodean el foco del Maestro de París.

File:Notre-Dame île de la Cité BLS-rev.jpg
Catedral de Notre Dame y la Île de la Cité (París)

La Sainte Chapelle

Este maestro también tiene un foco físico en la ciudad de París –uno de los pocos focos físicos de la Hermandad que quedan en el planeta–, que frecuenta a menudo en forma física. Su retiro es una hermosa residencia antigua al estilo de un castillo, con muchas ventanas que miran hacia la ciudad de París. Este foco lo mantienen sus discípulos y frecuentemente lo utilizan los maestros como lugar de reunión en París, desde donde pueden dirigir las energías necesarias para sostener el equilibrio de los gobiernos de Europa.

Archangel Zadkiel describes the purpose of this retreat in this way:

Take the Master of Paris and that retreat in the very heart of the city. It has always been for the single-eyed purpose of keeping the flame of the seventh ray and thereby using it with Christ-discrimination to aid the blessed servants of God in embodiment who do endeavor to bring about world good—to infuse, then, their work, the work of their hands or their inventions or their art or their pure love for humanity, with a portion of that permanence that comes out of the cycles of the violet flame.[1]

In 1967, Alexander Gaylord explained some of the functions of this retreat of the masters:

Therefore, today, having just come from the academy of the Great White Brotherhood that is located on the outskirts of Paris, unknown to any even in the French state, I wish to call to your attention that we are able to assemble at inner levels a number of advanced souls who are taking very specific training in association with the Brotherhood for reembodiment upon the planetary body and to assist Saint Germain in the coming next three decades.

However, I think it well that this opportunity that is being given to them should also be passed to those of you who are in physical embodiment today. I think it also well if the young men [and women] who are associated with this endeavor would attempt occasionally to attend our academy while their physical form sleeps that they might receive the benefit of the total dedication that is manifest here to the purposes of the Great White Brotherhood as ... the august body of world servers and as the emissaries of the Great Central Sun and the Great Central Sun Magnet.[2]

According to the will of the masters, anyone, anywhere could be invited to enter this retreat as an initiate. No one is barred. We can go there physically, and it is within our grasp, but we bar ourselves, for we cannot enter these retreats until we have a certain attainment.

See also

Master of Paris

Alexander Gaylord



Mark L. Prophet y Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Los Maestros y sus Retiros, Volumen 2, “Retiros del Maestro de París”.

  1. Archangel Zadkiel, “God Has Sent the Seven Archangels for the Rescue of the People of Light on Earth,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 24, no. 6, February 8, 1981.
  2. Alexander Gaylord, January 22, 1967.