Templo de la Resurrección

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El Templo de la Resurrección se encuentra en el reino etérico, sobre la ciudad de Jerusalén, en Tierra Santa. Este retiro, foco de la llama de la resurrección, está a cargo de Jesús y la Virgen María.

El templo está localizado en un edificio redondo flanqueado por dos alas. Es blanco y de forma circular, rodeado por siete pasillos de varios grados de radiación o radiación graduada. En el centro del templo está la llama de la resurrección, una llama opalescente, madreperla, que eleva el cuerpo a ese estado justo antes de la ascensión en el que la llama trina está equilibrada y los cuatro cuerpos inferiores están alineados.

Ocho columnas rodean el altar central. Las pinturas sobre las paredes de la sala de la llama circular representan la elevación de la conciencia de la humanidad mediante patrones y actividades individuales clave que la Hermandad de este retiro proyecta como las fases que conducen a la era de oro. Observamos en una sección de uno de los cuatro murales a un gran patriarca con una túnica de terciopelo rosa, leyendo a la gente un libro de ley cósmica.

Angels of the resurrection flame serve in this retreat, ministering unto the flame and unto those souls who are brought to the resurrection chambers in the wings adjoining the central flame room. Here students are taught how to raise their vibrations to balance the threefold flame and to bring their four lower bodies into alignment in preparation for the ascension, the initiation that follows the resurrection.

There are sections of the retreat where those who have passed prematurely from the screen of life are brought to recuperate from the shock. Here they remain in a state of sleep in their etheric bodies until the action of the resurrection flame resuscitates their consciousness, removes the sting of death, and they awaken of their own free will and come forth to participate in the class work that is carried on in the retreat. After they have adjusted to the change and to their opportunities for service and training between embodiments, they are taken to other retreats of the masters for specialized training and to the etheric cities.

Archangel Uriel and Aurora, together with Gabriel and Hope, frequent this retreat to expand the flame of resurrection on behalf of mankind. By a like token, the Goddess of Spring, beloved Amaryllis, uses the Spirit of the Resurrection Flame each year on behalf of the nature kingdom.

Jesus welcomes us to this retreat:

I welcome you together with Mary the Mother and Saint Germain and the many who have gone before you who are serving here with me in the Temple of the Resurrection, the holy city that pulsates with life abundant above the place where our victory was and is forever one.

“O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!”[1] Our retreat stands to bear eternal witness to the Truth that we have outpictured in the world of form, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it![2]


Mark L. Prophet y Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Los Maestros y sus Retiros, Volumen 2, “El Templo de la Resurrección”.

  1. Matt. 23:37.
  2. Jesus the Christ, “The Opening of the Temple Doors VII,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 16, no. 16, April 22, 1973.