Anjo do SENHOR
{{DISPLAYTITLE-pt:Anjo do SENHOR}} A presença da Divindade em forma angélica. Os sete arcanjos e suas arqueias ministrando nos sete raios, juntamente com os cinco raios secretos e os hierarcas do décimo terceiro raio são os anjos do SENHOR</small,> que “se encontram na Presença de Deus” e “são enviados por Deus” como seus mensageiros para transmitir a luz (consciência de Cristo) daquilo que EU SOU O QUE SOU a seus filhos e filhas para a realização das dispensações que anunciam.[1]
Unto Moses was revealed the I AM Presence through “the angel of the LORD who appeared unto him in a flame of fire,”[2] which was the actual presence and personification of the I AM THAT I AM by Archangel Michael. This truth confirms the initiation conferred by God upon certain beings advanced in the heavenly hierarchy to actually bear in their person—in their chakras and auric field—the weight of God’s Presence. Even so have his prophets, messengers and Christed ones borne this “burden” of the LORD,[3] as they were called to be his visible evangels in form, taking embodiment to minister with the angels, Archangels, cherubim, and seraphim on behalf of souls evolving in the earth planes.
Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Saint Germain On Alchemy: Formulas for Self-Transformation.