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(Do sânscrito budh, despertar, conhecer, perceber). Buda' significa literalmente “o iluminado”. Indica um cargo na hierarquia espiritual dos mundos que é alcançado quando o indivíduo se submete a determinadas iniciações do fogo sagrado, incluindo as dos sete raios do Espírito Santo e dos cinco raios secretos, a elevação do Raio Feminino (fogo sagrado da Kundalini) e a “mestria dos sete nos sete multiplicados pelo poder de dez”.

Gautama Buda

Artígo principal: [[Special:MyLanguage/Gautama Buda|{{{2}}}]]

Gautama alcançou a iluminação de Buda há 25 séculos, a senda por ele trilhada ao longo de inúmeras encarnações anteriores, que culminaram em sua meditação de quarenta e nove dias sob a árvore Bo; por isso ele é chamado Gautama, o Buda. Ele detém o cargo de Senhor do Mundo, sustentando, com seu Corpo Causal e Chama Trina, a centelha divina e a consciência nas evoluções da Terra, que estão se aproximando da senda da Cristicidade pessoal. Sua aura de Amor/Sabedoria que envolve o planeta provém de sua incomparável devoção à Mãe Divina. Ele é o hierarca de Shamballa, retiro original de Sanat Kumara, atualmente no plano etérico sobre o deserto de Gobi. Em 18 de abril de 1981, o amado Gautama Buda estabeleceu sua Shamballa Ocidental nas terras virgens norte-americanas, na fronteira norte do Parque Nacional de Yelowstone, no Retiro Interno do Rancho do Royal Teton.

Senhor Maitreya

Artígo principal: [[Special:MyLanguage/Senhor Maitreya|{{{2}}}]]

Lord Maitreya, the Cosmic Christ, has also passed the initiations of the Buddha. He is the long-awaited Coming Buddha who has come to the fore to teach all who have departed from the way of the Great Guru, Sanat Kumara, from whose lineage both he and Gautama descended.

Other Buddhas

In the history of the planet, there have been numerous Buddhas who have served the evolutions of mankind through the steps and stages of the path of the Bodhisattva. In the East Jesus is referred to as the Buddha Issa. He is the World Saviour by the Love/Wisdom of the Godhead.

In the 1960s, nine unascended lifestreams who had passed the initiations of the Buddha volunteered to embody to assist the evolutions of earth during their difficult and dangerous transition into the age of Aquarius. Their world service will be recognized when they have reached the age of the Christic and Buddhic example, age thirty-three to thirty-six.

On January 1, 1983, Gautama Buddha announced that nine Buddhas who had been in nirvana for nine hundred years were descending the shaft of light to enter the hearts of nine individuals upon this planet and, by their Electronic Presence, to enter the forcefield of thousands of dedicated hearts. Gautama also released the dispensation that every prayer, mantra, and chant of devotees of Christ and Buddha from that time on would be multiplied by the power of the heart of Gautama and the nine Buddhas.

See also

Lord of the World

Gautama Buddha

Lord Maitreya


For more information

Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Quietly Comes the Buddha: Awakening You Inner Buddha-Nature

Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Maitreya on Initiation


Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Saint Germain On Alchemy: Formulas for Self-Transformation.