Adolfo Hitler

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Adolfo Hitler, en 1921 fue presidente del Partido Nacional Socialista Obrero Alemán (o Nazi); canciller de Alemania en 1933; dictador y líder en 1934. El "nuevo orden" de Hitler incluía: 1) inculcar la idea de que los alemanes eran la raza superior aria 2) preservación de la pureza racial mediante el exterminio de judíos y otros pueblos "inferiores".

Adolfo Hitler

Transfondo oculto

Algunas personas que han estudiado el pasado del líder y las raíces de su tercer imperio afirman que las figuras clave del Partido Nazi en realidad practicaban la magia negra. El propio Hitler relata que los años de su juventud, de 1909 a 1913, fueron los años más esenciales y productivos de su vida, durante los cuales aprendió todo lo que necesitaba saber para asumir el papel de liderazgo en el partido nazi. Durante ese período experimentó con drogas e hizo un estudio profundo del ocultismo medieval y rituales de magia.[1]

Se dice que los miembros clave del Partido Nazi formaron parte de una sociedad oculta conocida como el Grupo Thule. De acuerdo a Trevor Ravenscroft, el círculo interno dentro de Thule eran satanistas que practicaban magia negra. Thule era el nombre del centro de una civilización desaparecida como la Atlántida. Los iniciados del Grupo Thule creían que los Grandes Seres del Mundo Antiguo pondrían a su disposición una reserva de fuerzas que podrían utilizarse para permitir que Alemania dominara al mundo y se conviertiera en la cuna de una próxima raza de superhombres. El ejército alemán se propondría aniquilar todo lo que se interpusiera en el camino de su destino "espiritual". Así fue el mito sobre el cual se fundó la doctrina aria.

Heinrich Himmler organizó la despiadadamente eficaz SS (Escuadras de Protección) de Hitler no solo como una fuerza de policía secreta sino como una orden religiosa. Los altos funcionarios de las SS estaban a cargo de una Orden Negra no oficial. Su doctrina se basaba en la creencia de una fuerza que sobrepasaba los poderes humanos ordinarios. Algunos dicen que el rito iniciático de los cadetes de las SS, la "ceremonia del aire irrespirable", incluía la Misa Negra Satánica; otros lo interpretan como el momento en que los participantes fueron dominados por un completo estupor.

La Gestapo de Himmler fue el instrumento de Hitler para liquidar a 30 millones de "subhumanos": la destrucción total de los judíos europeos, la intelectualidad polaca y una gran parte de la raza eslava. Aunque las SS eran una poderosa máquina política, la importancia de la Orden Negra era puramente "mágica". La materia debe transformarse para liberar la energía psíquica capaz de atraer seres desconocidos superiores. Por lo tanto, los campos de concentración eran una forma de "magia". Los hornos de gas eran simplemente rituales.

El ex líder nazi Hermann Rauschning, que desertó ante los Aliados en 1940, dijo sobre Hitler: "Uno no puede evitar pensar en él como un medium... Hitler estaba poseído por fuerzas externas a él, fuerzas casi demoníacas de las cuales el individuo llamado Hitler era solo el vehículo temporal".

La lanza de Longino

La lanza de Longino

Main article: La lanza de Longino

Además, otros han desarrollado teorías sobre el poder talismánico detrás de la lanza de Longinus (la lanza sagrada que atravesó el costado de Jesús) fue la inspiración de la vida de Hitler y la clave de su ascenso al poder. Hitler vio por primera vez la reliquia tradicionalmente considerada la famosa lanza cuando visitó la Casa del Tesoro de los Habsburgo cuando era joven. Cuenta que escuchó de la guía de turístas “las palabras que cambiarían toda mi vida: 'Hay una leyenda asociada con esta Lanza que dice que quien la reclama y resuelve sus secretos, tiene el destino del mundo en sus manos para bien o para mal.' ... Supe de inmediato que este era un momento crucial en mi vida".[2]

Nearly thirty years later, in 1938, Hitler invaded and annexed Austria, took possession of the relic, and moved it from the Treasure House in Vienna to Nuremburg.

Forces of darkness behind Hitler

The theory that Hitler himself or those who used the Führer as a tool were involved in black magic may explain, in part, why millions of the German people became caught up in the Nazi cause. Aside from the above theories, it is the thesis of the messenger that entities of darkness functioning at astral planes of existence—a false hierarchy organizing malevolent forces of anti-light against the purposes of the Great White Brotherhood—worked through Hitler and those at the international level who cooperated with him in the crimes committed in World War II against not only the Jews and Slavic peoples, but also the Germanic peoples.

Hitler’s final years

Most people believe that Adolf Hitler committed suicide on April 30, 1945 in an underground shelter of the Nazis’ Chancellory Building in Berlin during one of the final attacks on the city at the close of World War II. But his remains were never found, because as historians record, Hitler ordered that his body be burned.

For many this explanation is unsatisfactory. Too many questions remain unanswered. For one, why did he marry his long-time mistress Eva Braun only to commit suicide with her on the next day?

It is well-known that the largest German population outside of Germany is concentrated in South America. According to author Paul Manning, certain members of Germany’s ruling elite realized that they were going to end the war. One of the individuals who was aware of this fact was Martin Bormann, a close advisor to Hitler. As a precautionary measure, Bormann along with some bankers and S.S. officers set up an organization known as ODESSA transfer wealth and Nazi leaders out of Germany. When the war ended ODESSA began to transfer the German gold stocks and help Nazi intelligence agents escape to other countries.

Some of these agents came to the United States and assumed new identities. Many went to South America. These former S.S. agents put their training to use. Some joined Interpol. Others made vast fortunes trading in armaments because there was a surplus of weapons following World War II. Ironically, some of these Nazi war merchants even sold weapons to the emerging State of Israel.[3]

While Nazi war criminals were escaping to South America (supposedly unbeknownst to Western governments) former chairman of the board of Chase Manhattan Bank John J. McCloy was U.S. High Commissioner in the post-war German government, and another banker, Gen. William Draper, sat on the Commission. Draper was a partner with Dillon, Read & Co., a New York investment firm headed by Douglas Dillon.

Dillon, Read was one of the three major financial firms that contributed heavily to the building of the German Werhmacht. McCloy was also affiliated with the Ford Foundation, whose founder, Henry Ford, contributed financially to Hitler’s rise to power.

With the Nazis’ political system totally dependent upon Hitler, his presence in South America was crucial to carrying on the Nazi dream for a millenial kingdom with their Fuhrer at the helm.

His death

Mark Prophet was shown through his inner sight that Hitler was not, in fact, killed at the conclusion of World War II, but escaped by submarine and went to a place that was prearranged, a very small town in Brazil. He had plastic surgery to change his appearance. Mark described the whole scene in great detail, the people who were with him and what he looked like.

Hitler finally died a natural death in the late 1960s. When he got out of embodiment and into the astral plane—this one who had taken the left-handed path, using the power of God to imprison people and to kill millions—he immediately attacked the focus of light that was held by the messengers. Being highly evolved on the left-handed path, he recognized that none of the plans he had lived for could come to fruition when the people would learn the teachings of the masters. So from the astral plane he launched his attack in an attempt to destroy that focus and the teaching.

Cosmic law says that when you are attacked by a fallen one or a black magician, you may invoke the Presence of God and his emissaries for the binding of that one and his removal. So the messengers stood and made this call. They saw that one bound and taken to the Court of the Sacred Fire for judgment.

For him it was the Final Judgment. He had to give an accounting of all that he had done in all incarnations—not only the concluding one marked by the Holocaust, but also many previous embodiments of infamy and manipulation of the people. The record in the Book of Life was read. He was no more willing to surrender, confess the Christ and bend the knee than he had been ten thousand years earlier.

The canceling out of the soul of Adolf Hitler in the second death was the supreme mercy of God for God. Hitler had used God’s energy to murder God incarnate. He had imprisoned God’s energy in a horrendous momentum of hatred. God says, “My spirit will not always strive with flesh.”[4] God will not forever allow himself as energy to be imprisoned in our hatred, our jealousy, our ignorance, our darkness, our death, our rivalries. At a certain point there comes a moment when the bowl is broken and that energy must return to the Source.

Véase también


Spear of Longinus


Perlas de Sabiduría, vol. 24, núm. 12, 22 de marzo de 1981.

Archangel Gabriel, Mysteries of the Holy Grail, pp. 315–16.

Elizabeth Clare Prophet, “The Coming Revolution in Higher Consciousness,” April 21, 1978.

Elizabeth Clare Prophet, 30 de junio de 1983.

Elizabeth Clare Prophet, 11 de junio de 1985.

Louis Pauwels and Jacques Bergier, The Morning of the Magicians, trans. Rollo Myers (New York: Avon Books, 1969).

Trevor Ravenscroft, The Spear of Destiny (New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1973).

Jean-Michel Angebert, The Occult and the Third Reich: The Mystical Origins of Nazism and the Search for the Holy Grail, trans. Lewis A. M. Sumberg (New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., 1974; McGraw-Hill Paperbacks, 1975).

  1. Ravenscroft, La lanza del destino, pág. xxi.
  2. Ravenscroft, La lanza del destino, págs. 7, 8.
  3. See Paul Manning, Martin Bormann: Nazi in Exile (New York: Lyle Stuart, 1981).
  4. See Gen. 6:3.