Sagrada Comunión

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El sacramento de la Sagrada Comunión fue instituido por Jesús en la Última Cena, en la que Cristo y sus apóstoles estaban celebrando la fiesta de los panes sin levadura o Pascua. [1]

La Última Cena, Leonardo da Vinci
Mosaico que representa a Melquisedec sirviendo pan y vino a Abraham.


La bendición del pan y el vino es una antigua tradición judía que conmemora el Sabbath y otros días sagrados. Es un ritual que se remonta incluso a Melquisedec, quien "sacó pan y vino" cuando bendijo a Abraham. [2] Los viernes por la noche, al comienzo del sábado judío, se pronuncia una bendición ceremonial primero sobre el vino y luego sobre dos hogazas de pan, que simbolizan la doble porción de maná que cayó en el desierto en el sexto día.[3]

Jesús, en la Última Cena...

... tomó el pan y, después de dar gracias, lo partió y dijo: “Tomad y comed, esto es mi cuerpo que por vosotros es partido; haced esto en memoria mía”. De la misma manera, tomó la copa, después de haber cenado, y dijo: “Esta copa es el nuevo pacto de mi sangre; haced esto todas las veces que la bebáis en memoria mía”[4]

Como se registra en Juan 6, Jesús también había advertido anteriormente:

En verdad os digo: el que cree en mí, tiene vida eterna. Yo soy ese pan de vida. Vuestros padres comieron el maná en el desierto y murieron. Pero éste es el pan que desciende del cielo, para que quien coma de él no muera. Yo soy el pan vivo que descendió del cielo: si alguno come de este pan, vivirá para siempre, y el pan que yo daré es mi carne, la cual daré por la vida del mundo... Pero si coméis la carne del hijo del hombre y bebéis su sangre, no tenéis vida en vosotros. El que come mi carne y bebe mi sangre, tiene vida eterna...

Spiritual significance

Taken literally, this is a very upsetting statement. But taken spiritually, we understand the point of the real master teacher or Guru. He embodies Spirit-Matter, Alpha-Omega. He is the balance of cosmic forces. And at the last meal with his disciples, or chelas, he is instituting a ceremony of communion which he will use for the next two thousand years to transfer his body and his blood to those who are willing to partake of his being.

His blood is his Spirit essence or Alpha polarity. His body is his Matter essence or Omega polarity. He has the perfect balance of that cosmic consciousness of the masculine-feminine energies of the universe within his temple. This is a sacred fire, an energy too powerful for us to absorb all at once, because our temples are out of balance. This is the result of karma, an imbalance in its masculine-feminine energy within us, such that were we to suddenly receive the full impact of that Christ consciousness, we could not contain it.

So the great teacher, the great Saviour of our own path transfers to us portion by portion or, as it is said, blessing by blessing, or initiation by initiation, the momentum of his attainment, his light. He came to earth so that we would become himself.

Communion with the ascended masters

Our partaking of Holy Communion (in any Christian church) is our acceptance of God’s gift of Sonship and our commitment to go out no more from the house of the Father and the Son. Each time we celebrate the Lord’s Body and his Blood, we must go forth from the altar witnessing to his Spirit by our words and our works. Each time we accept the bread and the wine, believing it is, by transubstantiation, the Body and Blood of Christ, we imbibe the flame of our Christhood increment by increment, piece by piece, drop by drop.

The “flesh and blood” of the Universal Christ is the essence of His Spirit and His Word celebrated by Keepers of the Flame who “have the testimony of Jesus”[5] in the LORD’s Communion through the dictations of Jesus and the Servant Sons in heaven, the ascended masters. Our cup is the Messenger, our wine is the initiation of the Light outpoured by the Holy Spirit, our Bread is the Living Word. “I AM Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending”[6] is the true mystic’s mantra of Communion as he partakes of the Body (the Omega) and Blood (the Alpha) of his LORD.

See also



Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 28, no. 28.

Elizabeth Clare Prophet, October 27, 1978.

Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Astrology of the Four Horsemen, chapter 28.

  1. Mateo 26:17–20, 26–29; Marcos 14:12–17, 22–25; Lucas 22:7–20.
  2. Génesis 14: 18-20.
  3. Éxodo 16: 14–35.
  4. I Corintios 11:23–25.
  5. Rev. 19:10.
  6. Rev. 1:8; 21:6; 22:13.