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Hilarión es el chohán del quinto rayo de la curación y la verdad. Es el jerarca del Templo de la Verdad que está en el plano etérico, cerca de Creta, en Grecia.

Estatua de San Pablo, Basílica de San Pablo Extramuros, Roma


Sumo sacerdote del Templo de la Verdad

Hilarión fue el sumo sacerdote del Templo de la Verdad en la Atlántida y transportó la llama de la Verdad junto con los artefactos del Templo a Grecia poco antes del hundimiento del continente. El foco de la Verdad que él estableció se convirtió en el punto de concentración de los Oráculos de Delfos, mensajeros de la Verdad que prestaron servicio bajo la dirección de Palas Atenea durante cientos de años, hasta que sacerdotes negros penetraron en la Orden de Delfos y pervirtieron la Verdad que se había traído. La Hermandad entonces retiró este servicio a la humanidad encarnada, puesto que la gente era incapaz de distinguir entre la Verdad y el error.

San Pablo

San Pablo predicando en Atenas, por Rafael (1515)

Main article: Saint Paul

Hilarión encarnó después como Saulo de Tarso, que se convirtió en el apóstol Pablo. Hilarión ha recordado para nosotros su encuentro con el Cristo en aquella encarnación:

Jesús el Cristo lo llamábamos, y él nos llamaba como os llama a vosotros hoy día. Revivo los recuerdos de su venida a mí, otorgándome poder con su Palabra. Sin embargo, primero me humilló en aquel camino a Damasco, la humillación que tanto necesitaba para poder inclinarme ante mi propia llama Crística que él me reveló, al igual que me dio la clave para la meditación en esa llama para que pudiera seguir sus pasos en el quinto rayo de la ciencia, la curación, el apostolado y la prédica de la Palabra.

Con frecuencia me sentía como las manos, los pies y el corazón de Hércules, luchando con las espirales descendentes de la Tierra con su ateísmo, su agnosticismo, su orgullo espiritual y su rencor contra los profetas y el Santo de Dios, que había estado hacía tan poco tiempo entre nosotros. Pero entretanto recordaba que yo había formado parte de ellos. Haber sido tan orgulloso y tan deliberado contra la voluntad de Dios grabó en mi memoria para siempre la indefensión que todos tenemos como instrumentos de Dios. Pero el gran otorgamiento de poder de la Palabra llega, amados míos, en la hora de la conversión. No es en la hora del llamado, sino en la hora de la conversión cuando el alma responde con algo profundo. Es el fluir, es el dar, es la entrega cuando, como Él dijo, “dura cosa te es dar coces contra el aguijón…”.

Mi alma Lo conocía de antaño y trajo a mi mente exterior la memoria del voto interior. No era la primera vez que veía al Señor Cristo. Lo había visto antes de encarnar, y sin embargo tenía que resolver ese orgullo, ese karma en el quinto rayo de mucho aprendizaje, mucho estudio y una superioridad en la posición social e intelectual que tenía comparado con los primeros cristianos. Y así, mi propio karma que tenía encima era lo que me hacía resistirme a la llamada.[1]

Mi Señor me persiguió mientras realizaba mi viaje por el camino a Damasco. Sí, amados, fui cegado, no por su luz sino por mi pecado y la alquimia de su luz penetrando en el registro del pecado en mi ser. Así, fui cambiado, convertido por el Espíritu del Señor en la plena manifestación de Jesucristo sobre mí.[2]

Durante un período después de su conversión a Cristo, Pablo se retiró al desierto de Arabia. En Gálatas 1:16–18, Pablo escribe: «No consulté con carne y sangre, ni subí a Jerusalén a los que eran apóstoles antes que yo; sino que fui a Arabia, y volví de nuevo a Damasco. Después, pasados tres años, subí a Jerusalén».

Commentators have often speculated as to what Paul did during his sojourn in the desert. Hilarion has explained that Jesus took him “with others into his retreat over the Holy Land and at Arabia. I have been there and learned of him. And this was my desert sojourn in meditation with him, taken up as I was in my finer bodies and trained directly heart to heart.”[3]

Because in that lifetime the apostle Paul had consented to the stoning of Saint Stephen (the first Christian martyr) and had actively persecuted and killed Christians, he did not ascend at the conclusion of that life. The taking of life in one incarnation often requires another embodiment to balance that karma.

The ascended master Hilarion has explained why he was required to embody again before making his ascension:

Remember, then, that we, the apostles of Christ, did come under the dispensation of the Law that required that one balance 100 percent of one’s karma ere the soul enter the ascension in the light.[4] Thus, I was required to atone in my life as the apostle Paul and in my next life as Saint Hilarion for the sins I had committed before I received my Lord.[5]

Saint Hilarion

Saint Hilarion

Main article: Saint Hilarion

So Jesus, who raised up Paul to be his apostle, sponsored him in a final incarnation as Saint Hilarion (c. A.D. 290 to 372), the founder of monasticism in Palestine.

Hilarion spent twenty years in the desert in preparation for his mission and only then wrought his first miracle—God working through him, he cured a woman of barrenness enabling her to bring forth a son. From that day forward, he carried out a healing ministry.

He healed children of a fever by invoking the name of Jesus, cured paralysis and cast out many devils. Crowds would gather to be healed of diseases and unclean spirits. They followed him even into the most desolate and remote places. He tried many times to hide, but they always found him, compelling him to follow his true calling, for the love of Jesus.

Jerome, whose biography of the saint provides most of the information we know about him, records:

The frequency of his signs in Sicily drew to him sick people and religious men in multitudes; and one of the chief men was cured of dropsy the same day that he came, and offered Hilarion boundless gifts; but he obeyed the Saviour’s saying, “Freely ye have received; freely give.”

On the occasion of a great earthquake, the sea was threatening to destroy the town. According to Jerome, “The sea broke its bounds; and, as if God was threatening another flood, or all was returning to primeval chaos, ships were carried up steep rocks and hung there.”

The townsfolk, seeing these mountains of water coming towards the shore, ran and got Hilarion, and “as if they were leading him out to battle, stationed him on the shore. And when he had marked three signs of the cross upon the sand, and stretched out his hands against the waves, it is past belief to what a height the sea swelled, and stood up before him, and then, raging long, as if indignant at the barrier, fell back, little by little, into itself.”

Toward the end of his life the people’s saint, for they had claimed him as their own, retreated to a spot in Cyprus so remote that he was convinced no one would find him there. It was even haunted—the people would be afraid to approach, he thought. But one paralyzed managed to drag himself there, found Hilarion, was cured, and spread the word.

And so it was that the saint ended his days in that valley, with many people coming to see him. After his passing, his followers buried him there, as was his desire, but within several months his closest disciple, Hesychius, secretly dug up his grave and carried his body off to Palestine.

The ascended master Hilarion shared with us a revelation he received in this last physical incarnation on earth as the great healer and hermit living in the deserts of Palestine and Cyprus. He said:

I AM Hilarion! I have walked in the desert places! I have taken my refuge in the desert of life, but the multitudes came after me into the desert as I lived in my final incarnation as Hilarion. They came for the healing fountain; they came for love. Though I would retreat, they would follow. And so, the Lord told me that the gift of Truth and of healing is only for the sharing, only for the giving away.[6]

Hilarion had the gift of healing in abundant measure. The truly great healers of mankind, who can bring souls to the point of resolution and wholeness by a touch of the hand or a simple command, “Be thou made whole!” are sent from God. The identifying mark of the true healer is that he walks in the shadow of his mighty I AM Presence, that he is humble before God and man and that he gives all glory to God for the works God performs through him, knowing that he is but the instrument of the Holy Spirit. These holy ones of God are self-effacing, and they will not necessarily tell you that they have the gift of healing.

Hilarion’s mission today

The melody of “Onward, Christian Soldiers” may be played to draw the radiance of Hilarion into one’s world. Through this music, we can feel the same fervor and zeal today that enabled the apostle Paul, two thousand years ago, to inspire the early Christians to establish the Church of Christ in Asia Minor and eventually throughout the known world. He imbues us with the courage necessary to fulfill our mission today with these words:

So I say, apostles of the Most High God, be on your way! It is the changing of forcefields, the changing of the boots that causes the quaking in the knees. I say be up and doing! Left, right, left, right, take another step, go forward! You will find out what God would have you do. No need to sit and wonder! There is work—work in the action of the Holy Spirit. There is the joy of the service that is true brotherhood and true community.

Find out what God would have you find out about yourself by immersing yourself in the great cosmic flow, the ongoing flow of service. Find out what the teaching is by living the teaching. And find out what we have for you at Crete as our assignment as representatives of Truth.[7]


Main article: Temple of Truth

The Brotherhood of Truth in Hilarion’s retreat over Crete use the flame of healing, science and constancy focused there. They work with those who have become disillusioned with life and religion and with their fellowmen who have misrepresented or misinterpreted the Truth, and thus they have become atheists, agnostics or skeptics.

The Brothers of Crete also work with doctors and scientists and assist them in their research. You can call to Hilarion for healing and wholeness, for the conversion of souls and for the exposure of truth in the media.

See also


Brotherhood of Truth

For a specific healing dispensation from Hilarion, see Emerald-teal ray.

For more information

Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Lords of the Seven Rays

Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Hilarion the Healer: The Apostle Paul Reborn


Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats, s.v. “Hilarion.”

  1. Mark L. Prophet y Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Los Señores de los Siete Rayos (Lanto Espiritualidad), segundo libro, págs. 171–73.
  2. Hilarión, “The Revolution of Truth (La revolución de la verdad)”, Perlas de Sabiduría, vol. 36, núm. 45, 3 de octubre de 1993.
  3. Hilarion, “Preach the Gospel of Salvation in Every Nation!” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 33, no. 39.
  4. Since the inauguration of the new dispensation early in the twentieth century, it is possible to ascend having balanced at least 51 percent of one’s karma, the remaining portion then being balanced on inner levels after the ascension.
  5. Hilarion, “The Revolution of Truth,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 36, no. 45.
  6. Mark L. Prophet and Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Lords of the Seven Rays, book 2, p. 181.
  7. Ibid., p. 185.