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The ascended lady master Nada is the chohan of the sixth ray (purple and gold ray) of peace, ministration and service. She is also a member of the Karmic Board, on which she serves as the representative of the third ray (pink ray) of divine love. From Nada we learn the practical application of love and the path of personal Christhood through ministration and service to life.

Lade Master Nada


Embodiments on Atlantis

On Atlantis, Nada worked in the healing arts and served as a priestess in the Temple of Love. The etheric counterpart of this temple, which is designed after the pattern of a rose, is centered above New Bedford, Massachusetts.

She was also embodied as a lawyer on Atlantis, where she championed the cause of divine justice for the downtrodden and oppressed.

Nada speaks of her experience in keeping the flame in the last days of Atlantis:

How well I remember the last days of Atlantis. Those of us who were there keeping the vigil midst the effort of the embodied lightbearers have recently gathered at the Royal Teton Retreat to closely examine the causes and conditions that led to that final judgment and that sinking of a continent and its people.

The evildoers then and now continue in their evildoing right up to the eve of cataclysm, boasting that they are immune to God’s laws, that karma is not real, and that they are the gods of the earth....

My service on Atlantis was in law and the law of wholeness. Thus the science of healing and the science of truth are the right and left hand of the defense of the individual, body and soul. In those days the manipulators of the law of the fifth ray were as devious in their despisings of the sons of light as they are today. They entered not into the consciousness of God, and they exerted a destructive influence upon those who were entering in as neophytes under the initiates of the mystery schools.

The marbled, geometric cities of Atlantis, my beloved, were not without the inner retreats of the Brotherhood. And Noah himself, the archetype of the Great Guru, while building his ark was the Mother flame of the ark and the initiator of the embodied sons of God. There were others of our bands who took ships and carried the focuses of their retreats to distant lands and mountaintops, to the Near and Far East, to the Himalayas, to Europe and the Americas, and to the already established retreats of the archangels.

The securing of spiritual forcefields in Matter is the work of the chelas of the ascended masters. When decay and disintegration beset an age, they mount with wings as eagles to survey the land and the sea. They take counsel with the LORD’s hosts and with the LORD himself and the three ascended masters who prophesied to Abraham of the birth of Isaac and the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. The initiates of the mystery schools are the preachers of righteousness, and they continue to preach the Word and its science until the hour of the judgment and their embarking on the ark.”[1]

2,700 years ago

In her final incarnation, 2,700 years ago, Nada was the youngest of a large family of exceptionally gifted children. She was tutored by Charity, archeia of the third ray, in how to expand the threefold flame of love in her heart for the quickening of the chakras of her talented brothers and sisters. She chose to forgo pursuing her own career in that embodiment and, instead, kept the flame in deep meditation and prayer for her brothers and sisters in their various fields of endeavor.

Nada has spoken of that lifetime:

I can assure you that at the conclusion of my incarnation when I saw the victory of each one of my brothers and sisters, the fullness of my joy was in a heart of love expanded.... It seemed to the world, and perhaps even to my own, that I had not accomplished much. But I took my leave into the higher octaves, thoroughly understanding the meaning of the self-mastery of the pink flame.

Thus, it was from the point of the third ray that I entered into the heart of Christ and saw the application [on the sixth ray] as ministration and service.[2]

Mission today

The ascended lady master Nada assists ministers, missionaries, teachers, healers, psychologists, counselors at law and public servants—all who are involved in serving the needs of others. Nada says:

It does not matter what your training and what your position, it is not in what you do with your hands, it is in what you do with your heart that counts.

For as I spent several of my last incarnations in keeping the flame of life anonymously for my family and for other members of the community, so I am able to tell you firsthand what it means to God, what it means to souls evolving on Terra to have someone—that silent, peaceful someone in the midst of activity—silently declaring the law of truth, the law of perfection, the law of victory on behalf of each one who is so busy serving, so busy trying to do good for humanity that he does not have time to make the application for himself.

I would suggest, then, if you are looking for a more than ordinary challenge, that you go into your communities with this thought in mind of being a keeper of the flame, of adoring the flame of life in the hearts of hundreds and thousands....

If you have professional training, or have the ability to acquire that training, then we suggest that you take on greater responsibilities where you can be involved directly in decision making, in drafting legislature, in organizing—whether it is men’s groups, women’s groups or community groups working for a cause that is constructive....

How often we see in these levels of government and community planning, if there were just one of our keepers of the flame in the midst, how smoothly the process would flow and how encouraged people would be, how their faith would be restored in this representative form of government, which is indeed after the teachings of the ascended masters and patterned after that which is to come in the golden-age societies that are to be born upon this continent.[3]

Nada is an initiate and master of the path of the ruby ray, and she teaches the unfolding of the rose of the heart, helping us to develop the sensitivity of the heart for the receiving of the gift of the Holy Spirit of diverse kinds of tongues and the interpretation of tongues.

She is very much involved with the initiation and sponsorship of twin flames and the Aquarian-age family. She also ministers to the world’s children with legions of angels who personally tend to the needs of the youth.


Main article: Arabian Retreat

Nada teaches at the retreat of Jesus in the etheric octave over Saudi Arabia, where she instructs on the God-mastery of the emotions and the quieting of inordinate desire. This is the mastery of the solar-plexus chakra, which is the instrument for the sixth ray, the place where you radiate peace. This is the ray of the Piscean dispensation, and Jesus is the great master of this ray—he is the Prince of Peace. Nada comes in the footsteps of Jesus Christ, and it is his path that she teaches. She succeeded him in the office of chohan of the sixth ray when he assumed the office of World Teacher in 1956.

Main article: Rose Temple

Nada also serves in the Rose Temple, her retreat located above New Bedford, Massachusetts. Designed after the pattern of a rose, each petal is a room representing an initiation in the flame of love. In the center of the retreat there burns the flame of divine love, tended by brothers and sisters of the third ray for the healing of earth’s evolutions by love.

Other information

Nada says, “I give you my love, for all else I have already given away.” The motto of her disciples is “I serve,” “I am my brother’s keeper,” and “The servant is not greater than his Lord.”

Nada’s keynote is “Mattinata (’Tis the Day),” by Ruggiero Leoncavalio.

See also


For more information

For more on Nada’s teaching, see the sections on her in Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Lords of the Seven Rays.


Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats, s.v. “Nada.”

  1. Nada, “Life Is Still Sweet,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 23, no. 6, February 10, 1980.
  2. Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Lords of the Seven Rays, book 2, p. 229.
  3. Nada, “The Practice of Law in the Feminine Ray,” July 5, 1974.