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(pluriel de seraph) Aussi appelés armées séraphiques. L’ordre des anges qui se consacrent à concentrer la flamme et la conscience de la pureté devant le trône de Dieu, dans les anneaux de feu électronique du Grand Soleil Central et dans tout le cosmos , sur les plans de l’Esprit et de la Matière.

"Les lèvres d'Ésaïe ointes de feu "de Benjamin West

Justinius est le Capitaine des armées séraphiques. Sous sa direction, celles-ci desservent l’autel de Dieu dans le Grand Soleil Central et la flamme de l’ascension dans le Temple de l’ascension, à Louxor. Sérapis Bey , l’hiérarque du Temple de l’ascension et le chohan du quatrième rayon, faisait à l’origine partie de l’ordre des séraphins.

La vision d'Isaïe des séraphins

Isaïe vit des séraphins (en hébreu « ceux qui brûlent ») qui se tenaient au-dessus du trône du SEIGNEUR, avec chacun six ailes :

« D’une paire, ils se couvraient la face (devant la gloire du SEIGNEUR) ; d’une paire, ils se couvraient les pieds (par respect pour la sainteté du SEIGNEUR) et d’une paire, ils volaient (accéléraient leur vibration jusqu’aux plans du Grand Soleil Central, puis ils décéléraient jusqu’aux plans du monde physique et de la forme) ».[1]

Les séraphins sont les initiateurs des serviteurs du SEIGNEUR sur la terre, lavant et purifiant ceux qui ont été choisis pour être ses bons serviteurs : prêtres, prophètes, messagers, etc. Isaïe lui-même reçut l’initiation séraphique, qu’il décrit d’une manière vivante :

Then flew one of the seraphims unto me, having a live coal in his hand, which he had taken with the tongs from off the altar: and he laid it upon my mouth, and said, Lo, this hath touched thy lips; and thine iniquity is taken away, and thy sin purged.[2]

Function of the seraphim

Serapis Bey describes his vision of the seraphim in his Dossier on the Ascension:

The seraphim came and they were as flaming streaks of fire passing through the atmosphere, and I knew that they possessed the quality of cosmic penetrability. Like cosmic rays they could pass through the flesh form of man, through his thoughts and feelings. When penetration occurred and the seraphim flew through human consciousness, what residue was left behind or what absorption was accomplished?

I saw clearly that absorption was accomplished and that residue was left behind—absorption by reason of instantaneous transmutation of all substance that came nigh unto their trajectory. I noted also that the residue left behind was of intense white-fire devotion, charged with a yearning for purity.

I perceived that this quality lingered within the consciousness of many; and yet, unless it was fed or accepted by them, its decay rate in their consciousness would be of relatively short term, for a disassociation of these ideas would cause the lingering sparks of the seraphim to pursue the parent body and leave their temporarily unwelcome home. Affinitizing with the consciousness of the seraphim is tantamount to retaining the benefits of the seraphic hosts.

I know of no power more valiantly capable of assisting anyone into his own ascension in the light than the transmutative efforts toward Cosmic Christ purity that are emitted by the seraphic hosts. In our retreat at Luxor, the meditations upon the seraphim are a very important part of our spiritual instruction.

Jesus himself spent a great deal of time in communion with the seraphic hosts. This developed in him the superior power whereby he could cast out demons and take dominion over the outer world of form.

The mantra of the seraphim that they chant without ceasing before the throne of the Lord is: “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts: the whole earth is full of his glory.”[3]

See also

Silent Watchers

Justinius, Captain of Seraphic Bands

For more information

Serapis Bey, Dossier on the Ascension, pp. 115–40.


Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Saint Germain On Alchemy: Formulas for Self-Transformation.

  1. Is 6, 2<
  2. Isa. 6:6–7.
  3. Isa. 6:3.