Par des milliers d’années au service de Dieu sur le septième rayon de la justice, de la liberté, de la miséricorde, du pardon, de la transmutation, et des rituels sacrés, la bien-aimée Portia devint l’incarnation de la Flamme de Dieu et de la conscience de Dieu de la justice divine en tant qu’opportunité divine. C’est pourquoi on l’appelle Déesse de la justice ou Déesse de l’opportunité.

Représentant auprès du Conseil karmique le sixième rayon du service et des soins, Portia garde la flamme de la justice et de l’opportunité pour les êtres en évolution sur la terre.
La bien-aimée Portia est la flamme jumelle et le consort divin de Saint-Germain. Ils vont diriger ensemble le prochain cycle de deux mille ans, la septième époque connue sous le nom d’ère du Verseau.
Her service in past ages
In past ages of beauty, perfection and abundance, justice reigned supreme. Before discord began to manifest upon the earth, Portia made her ascension in the light. When mankind’s sense of justice became warped, thus causing an imbalance in all she undertook, she could but fold her mantle about her and remain in the Great Silence (in higher realms of consciousness), for the ascended masters never interfere with the doings of men unless invoked by their decree as it manifests as thought, word and deed.
Seigneurs du Karma
Comte de Saint-Germain
Grotte de Lumière Grand directeur divin
While in nirvana, Portia both held the balance for Saint Germain’s outer world activities and cleansed the records and the pain of his (i.e., their) European experience. Some time after Portia entered nirvana, Saint Germain returned to Europe by himself to sponsor Napoleon in the establishment of the United States of Europe. Once it was clear that Napoleon would take the master’s power to promote his own will, Saint Germain withdrew all sponsorship from him in 1810. From that time on Saint Germain was, for want of a better word, “resting” in the Cave of Light and regrouping his forces. From time to time he sponsored activities in the United States and spent calculated cycles in nirvana.
Her service today
L'équilibre entre la justice et de la miséricorde
Portia parle de l'équilibre entre la justice et de la miséricorde, deux qualités appartenant au septième rayon:
Great distress frequently comes to mankind by reason of their own karmic acts and the records that are within their form, for like the tiny bird, they feel as though in the grip of outer conditions and know not that even life here is for the purpose of restoring them to the nest of God’s heart and the nest of holy justice.
Upon the circle of justice is stamped the circle of mercy. And if you would also do as I do, wherever you attempt or seek to administer justice to others whom you also may have beneath your charge, you will give forth mercy—not in that quality unbalanced that will cause mankind to destroy themselves because of your lack of firmness, but in that perfect balance of spiritual understanding that gives to each man that portion of mercy properly mixed with justice that is best for him.[1]
How, then, will freedom as a Mother flame, as the shakti of Saint Germain, translate the mercy and the justice of the Law in this age? O beloved ones, justice and mercy, mercy and justice are the interaction of the great caduceus of the feminine ray of the seventh age and dispensation. The seventh ray of God’s light of the violet flame is a fiery caduceus—the weaving of mercy and justice as a garland of Alpha and Omega around the central altar of freedom’s light.[2]
► Main article: Portia's retreat
Portia has a retreat over Ghana. She has asked that we use the music of the “Rakoczy March,” by Franz Liszt, to magnetize her presence.
Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats, s.v. “Portia.”