Ángel de la Paz

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El Ángel de la Paz es el jefe del grupo de ángeles conocidos como la Legión de la Paz.

Estatua del Ángel de la Paz apareciendo a los niños en Fátima, Portugal

Asistencia a Jesús

Este ángel ayudó a Jesús a amplificar la llama de la paz durante su ministerio. También fue uno de los ángeles ministrantes que, junto con Santa Amatista, guardó la vigilia con Jesús en el jardín de Getsemaní. Él fue una de las huestes celestiales enviadas por Dios para sostener a Jesús después de que rezara, diciendo: «Padre, si quieres, pasa de mí esta copa; pero no se haga mi voluntad, sino la tuya»[1].

Aunque el Padre, actuando conforme a su propia Ley, no «retiró esta copa», sí envió a sus arcángeles y arcangelinas y, entre otros, a este Ángel de la Paz para fortalecer a Jesús en su determinación de hacer la voluntad de Dios. Las ígneas presencias de estos ángeles sirvieron como electrodos para magnetizar las llamas de paz y poder, curación y verdad, fe y esperanza y realidad procedentes del cuerpo causal de Jesús, ayudándole así a aplicar todo el impulso acumulado de su propia luz contra la traición, el juicio y la crucifixión que le esperaban.

Appearance at Fátima

It was the Angel of Peace that appeared to the three shepherd children in Fátima, Portugal, in 1916, prior to the appearances of Mother Mary. The angel was described as “A light whiter than snow in the form of a young man, transparent and brighter than crystal, pierced by the rays of the sun.”

The angel said, “Do not be afraid. I am the Angel of Peace. Pray with me.” He kneeled with his forehead to the ground and said, “My God, I believe, I adore, I hope and I love you. I ask pardon of you for those who do not believe, do not adore, do not hope and do not love you.” The angel taught the children to pray and offer sacrifices to God on behalf of others.

Mother Mary has said:

Beloved ones, if the Angel of Peace and my own message at Fátima was the encouragement to pray, to make sacrifice, to call for the conversion of sinners, and if the prayers of these three could in itself be a dispensation to stay the hand of darkness, what do you think the dispensation is when hundreds upon hundreds, even thousands of Keepers of the Flame, in the full awareness of the science of the spoken Word and the science of the Immaculate Heart, will give these invocations as shouting from the housetops for the invocation of light?

Well, I will tell you, you can let your imagination flow through the stars, for indeed the galaxies are filled with light. And this is what is needed for the turning point, beloved ones, the turning point in world history.[2]

Service today

Mary invites us to call to the Angel of Peace to enter the classrooms and teach the sweet children their prayers. The Angel of Peace and Mother Mary are greatly concerned about the separation of souls from God through atheism, agnosticism, political or economic systems that have denied God, and systems of doctrine and dogma.


Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats, s.v. “Angel of Peace,”

  1. Lucas 22:42.
  2. Mother Mary, “The Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary,” Keepers of the Flame Lesson 14, p. 54.