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The silversword is a plant that grows only in Hawaii, which is a remnant of Lemuria, the ancient Motherland. The elementals formed it in honor of the Divine Mother, and it represents the flame of the resurrection.

Haleakala silversword. This subspecies of silversword grows only on Maui. It grows high on the mountain Haleakala in very arid conditions.

After living up to forty years, the plant flowers once and then dies: the form dies so that the flame can live on—reminding us of the words of Jesus, “Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit.”[1] The flowers are pink to purple and gold, mirroring the flame of the sixth ray anchored in the retreat of the Elohim Peace and Aloha, which is over the Hawaiian Islands.


Based on comments by Elizabeth Clare Prophet, May 14, 1972.

  1. John 12:24.